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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. Adding insulation to a space not insulated or replacing insulation with some of better quality may help but if you just stuff more insulation material into a previously insulated space you may make the problem work. Insulation like fiberglass works by trapping air and not allowing it to move so putting more into the same space will lower it's ability to insulate. If that wall is already insulated you could improve it by adding another layer of insulation on the inside of that wall but the lack of ventilation is also a major part of the problem. Something like the foil backed styrofoam insulating board could be attached to the inside of the wall.
  2. Welcome to the Escapee forums. I am not sure exactly what you are asking about. Are you dealing with a leak from your waste tank dump valves? More information will probably help us to give you good advice? The dump valves for your waste tanks are removable and you can replace them fairly easily as long as you have reasonably good access to them.
  3. The only information that I am able to find on this is a story which is from Nov. 12 and which was updated on Nov. 20. Not much new here.
  4. Welcome to the Escapee forums! Hope that you will become a regular here. Just for those who may need a gas valve, here are a few sources that cost less than $200. The key is to know what valve you need or to find the proper part number. Norcold... The Norcold Guy Bend Trailers Camper ID Dometic.... Boat & RV Accessories Dyers RV Parts
  5. Could you post a link to the current information on these regulations and also to the place that you need to register? I keep looking at drones with cameras and while the prices have begun to come down, I still have difficulty in justifying the cost. 😏 EDIT: Oops! I just found the link in the post above yours. 😡
  6. Since this person asked his questions just over a year ago, I highly suspect that his travel is well along if it hasn't been completed. Daniel2 last signed into the forums on Dec. 12, 2018.
  7. Are you going to sit in a permanent spot that gets snow? If you are then why not build something that is permanent and also strong enough to both support the weight of the snow and also to withstand strong wind. The typical RV awning will not survive gusty winds that exceed about 30 to 45 mph if they are such that the wind gets under the awning. Remember that these are fabric awnings that are designed to be light in weight, portable, and easily deployed or retracted. They are not designed to withstand high winds or heavy loads. Being made of fabric, the center will belley and sag as they collect precipitation and collect it, rather than shed it. That is the reason that experienced RV owners will drop one corner of their awnings when left extended in rain.
  8. It depends on what awning you have. Of course, if you get too much snow you could damage it.
  9. It sounds to me as though you are on the right track with the blade problem. I have seen that happen more than once over the years. The valve isn't difficult to replace, once you get the tank empty.
  10. If you read the story that RV was a home built that was driven into the water intentionally by the parents of the 7 children.
  11. I highly doubt that you have a water line that is under the floor which could create the situation that you have. Such water lines can usually be seen from inside of the storage bays that they pass through. Water lines usually are inside of cabinets where they can be accessed and only go under the floor in places that there are no cabinets to hide them in. If the floorplan that I found is accurate, your plumbing should all be along the passenger side where the kitchen and bath are located. Might your cabinets have a false floor or back wall that hides the plumbing? I do not see how your water could come up from below as gravity would make most of it go down, even if sprayed. Check your owner's manual and do as it suggests.
  12. The link that I posted and that by Chalkie are current. It should be interesting as the company site seems to indicate that they are still for sale.
  13. That is true for tanks found in motorized vehicles as they are ASME tanks while the removable cylinders found on most trailers are DOT. The cylinders do not typically have a built-in gage.
  14. It sure looks impressive but at $15k it probably should.
  15. Be sure that you understand the features of the Trailmanor as it is important to know what a recirculating toilet or a cassette toilet is and how they are emptied, as compared to RVs that have both a gray water and a black water tank. Those types of toilet take more to manage and empty them than do the standard flush toilets found in most RVs. Looking at the specs of the current models, the refrigerator is only 3 cubic feet, which is very small and I'd be surprised if a used one will be any larger. If you have not actually been inside of these or the popup trailers, I really think that you need to take the wife and go spend some time studying just what they have and how things work. If you come to these from tenting you will find them luxurious but if you are used to the facilities of a house that may not be the case.
  16. Pretty much the same as any RV but adjusting for the difference in structural materials. Make sure that all appliances work properly, that the water system does not leak anywhere in the tank or the plumbing. Examine the canvas parts very closely paying attention to all seams, fasteners, and attaching points. Check all parts of the canvas support structure and of the lifting system. Check the tires for both condition and age. Tires more than 10 years old should be replaced. Check the battery condition and age. Look for water stains or other indications of leaks from plumbing or weather. I would want to watch it be closed up and opened again, taking part in it if possible. Examine the upholstery around the edges, corners, and seams. Look for crushed foam cushions. Check all drawers for slider operation and condition of corners and attaching points. Check all mattresses closely lay down on each of them, turning over and feigning sleep. Do a walk through of the activities you will do when out in it.
  17. Nobody really knows exactly when you arrived in TX so in most cases if you get caught it will be either for some other violation of an LEO notices your expired sticker. The only cases that I am aware of this happening the officer let the driver off with a warning and instructions to get that inspection. With the advent of the single sticker there is no longer an expired sticker so you probably won't be bothered at all unless stopped for some violation or involved in an accident. I suspect that if an LEO should run your plates he would be informed of the registration without inspection. If Big 5er is around he probably knows the answer to this.
  18. While we have dealt with surgery living in our RV, we did so staying near our son. I suggest that you contact the CARE facility to discuss the issue and to get current, valid information.
  19. Welcome to the Escapee forums! We owned several pop-up trailers but quite some time ago. When it comes to used RVs the condition is everything. Without seeing the RVs that you are considering, I have no opinion at all about which is best. I would never consider buying a used RV unseen, and especially not one with canvas over large areas of it. A used RV is sold "as is" meaning that if you buy it and find that it is totally junk, you will have no recourse. It is also very risky for one of us to tell you what will serve you best because that is a very subjective thing. I will tell you that for comfortable towing you need to tow no more than 80% of the rated towing weight which for you means 4000#.
  20. In addition, those who have health conditions that require regular monitoring and maintenance medications are best served by returning to the same doctor on a regular basis because a new doctor is not likely to be willing to renew an expiring prescription based on your previous doctor's diagnosis. When we went on the road, Pam had several maintenance medications which required extensive medical testing before prescriptions were written and monitoring of results. This require d us to plan a trip back through her doctor's locations annually, but since we had grandchildren in that same area, it was really not a major issue.
  21. The law about this is federal and Escapees did not go to court to get that changed. The only time that they have been in court on such issues was in 1999/2000 and that was a suit over voting rights. As it happens that case directly impacted us since we were going fulltime just as it took place.
  22. Welcome to the Escapee forums! While there will be RVs there when you arrive, the big events do not take place until January and you can learn more about those via the Quartzsite Show official website. In addition I suggest the Quartzsite Chamber of Commerce and BLM-La Posa LTVA website.There are also numerous videos on Youtube that should be useful so take a look through those.
  23. Also arc welding does create some types of rf interference.
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