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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. Welcome to the Escapee forums. Some RV manufacturers supply electrical schematics or some type of drawings for electrical systems, but many do not. To be of any help we first need to know what make and model of RV you have? You may have to trace the wires back from the refrigerator.
  2. There is no need to do that at all under the law. There are thousands or people who use a mail service for the only address that they have, as we did for 12 years.
  3. Just water may work if it has not been too long, but in most cases that I have observed, it took more than that. The ice cube thing may work to clean the sides of the tank, but probably won't do much for your problem. The Master Blaster or similar tool may do the job since it hasn't been too long. U I suggest that you mix up a few gallons of trisodium phosphate in a very strong solution and allow that to soak a while and then agitate it by towing around some before dumping. That product was recommended to me in a seminar put on by Thetford quite a few years ago.
  4. But TX, FL, and SD have no state income tax. The income tax rate in Illinois is 4.95%, after an increase (from 3.75%) in 2017.
  5. They probably just don't know what they are talking about. We are not native Texans but have had a TX domicile now since 1989. Texas is one of the most RV friendly states and has been recognized for that more than once and by more than one RV organization. Which state is best just depends on each one's personal circumstances. There is no one best state.
  6. The natural process will take care of any solids in the black tank, as long as you use enough water. Most of the fulltime RV people stop using any chemicals after a time. If you use too little water there is no chemical that will resolve the problems. It sounds like you already have a build-up of solids in your tank and you would be very wise to find some way to get that out before it gets any worse. If you do not solve this, you will not be able to empty the tank at all at some point.
  7. If you plan to continue to live in Illinois and keep the new truck there, you could very well have problems when your local authorities discover your truck isn't registered where you live.
  8. We had a similar experience to you in that we began to travel fulltime with our mini schnauzer and about 18 months into our travels our 9 year old companion suddenly became ill and died. We missed her so much that we did get a puppy soon after and like 2gypsies, we strongly suggest crate training. If you plan to leave the pup in the RV you need to be sure that yours is not one that barks much when alone as that can cause problems for you when in RV parks. We found that living in an RV made the training easier since we were so close to her most of the time and the bond that developed was probably the strongest of any of the dogs that we have had over the years. The pup that we adopted was only 6 weeks old when she became part of the family and we had her for 16 wonderful years. She passed away about a year ago.
  9. It has been perhaps 10 years since we were there but we didn't find it that unsafe but we left our RV where we were staying so between the two facts, our information probably wouldn't be much help. My one thought that may help is to only take your towed into the city.
  10. With both of you having Tricare there really isn't a healthcare issue so that makes the choices far easier. With Escapees, the Florida address would be in Bushnell at the Escapee RV park located there. While you may well find FL to be the best choice, I suggest that you take some time to read up just a bit about domicile issues to fully understand what is involved. There are several very good articles on the subject with probably the most current being Where do you live? Domicile for Full-Time RVers While many people do not give much thought to the issues, in the event yours should be challenged it can become a very important decision.
  11. Looking at the specs on the Roughneck Trailer site, it would seem that you must mean the roof air conditioner for electric heat? Current models have heat strips so it may be true of yours, but I can't see how the propane furnace would be impacted by the same problem as the a/c since that uses 120V-ac electricity while the propane furnace is powered by 12V-dc power. It might help to know a bit more like what brand and model your roof a/c and furnace are. Also is there anything else that isn't working? Do your lights and appliances all seem to work properly? You really haven't given us much to base an analysis on.
  12. The best choice is very much a personal decision. If you are planning to join Escapees and then use their mail service, it is available in both states. Neither of the two states have any state income tax so that is a wash. Sales taxes are also quite similar. If you are not yet on Medicare, TX does offer health insurance acceptable for traveling RVers but FL has more and better choices for most people. For me, the biggest advantage that TX has is the fact that everyone in Livingston knows how fulltimers live, but it isn't a lot more difficult in FL if other things favor it. We found the TX estate laws to be preferable, but that may not be true for all people. I suspect that in your case it may well be best to choose FL, but there is nobody who can really say for sure without an intimate knowledge of your financial, legal, and personal issues. Either one should work out for you.
  13. Have you looked at RVs at all? It doesn't seem that you have any concept of what is available to buy. I suggest that before you do more planning you spend some time visiting as many RV dealers as you have nearby.
  14. The way in which addresses are assigned varies from state to state and does not involve the USPS unless the address has already been assigned by the appropriate agency. In many cases the local planning commission and there will be some tie to the 911 center. How to apply for a street address.
  15. Are you sure that you are measuring the voltage properly? If you have 12V power it should measure somewhere between 14V and 11V between the battery posts if measured properly. Where did you get this voltage reading? How did you measure it? \
  16. With a half ton truck you will be pretty size/weight limited. The Scamp is one of the few fifth wheel trailers of that size but Escape 5.0 TA is another one but at 21' in length and with a gross weight just over 4,000#.
  17. To determine the most weight for the trailer, first look at the weight ratings for your tow truck. It will have a gross weight rating (GVWR) and a maximum towing weight. You need to know that actual weight of your truck as it will be when traveling and deduct that weight (from a truck scale) from the GVWR to determine the maximum hitch weight that can be added. If you deduct actual truck weight from the maximum towing weight that will give you the most your travel trailer can safely weigh when loaded for travel. Most of us on these forums agree that towing anything over 80% of the truck's maximum rated weight for long distances is very tiring and unpleasant. Truck tow weight and GVWR are not intended to be done constantly but are rather a safety rating.
  18. It may still be that way, as it has been 57 years since I had a vehicle registered there and I frankly do not remember where I went to do it. That is the reason that I used the "very long time" in my post as there is another state that we once lived in which I don't remember about either. I believe that it is probably those states that allow the county to tax vehicles that register through the county, like TX, WY, and KS that I am sure about. I think it was that way in CO, SC, and ID but that is too far back in my memory to be sure.
  19. While I'm not sure exactly what you mean either, it sounds to me like it is time to replace the faucet set. If you could post a picture of the plumbing problems it would probably help. Is that happening anytime that the pump is on? Does in work properly when connected to city water? And is this happening when you use the shower?
  20. You do and they may not accept you. Should the new company decline to accept you the previous coverage just continues as they do not cancel the old policy until the new one is in place. My wife just went through the process in an effort to lower the cost of her coverage and was declined.
  21. It sounds like low propane pressure but that probably means that you need a new propane pressure regulator. When they fail it isn't unusual for one to work intermittently for a while before complete failure. I suggest you have your RV tech check it.
  22. That has been true of every state that I have registered a motor vehicle in for a very long time.
  23. As stated several times above, your RV is a single family home, for the purpose of that application.
  24. Since you are a member of Escapees, why not consider one of the 3 California local chapters? Is there some reason to travel exclusively with veterans? You can find out more about joining the chapters from this link.
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