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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. Hope that continues for the future. Please do let us know what happens.
  2. You may want to speak with some of the Escapee staff about who they go to.
  3. To add to what Randy has stated, windows are also very heavy and dual pane or high quality single pane windows will increase the weight and could create balance issues if only added on one side. Be very careful in your construction.
  4. Pam says that but about CA. When I left the Navy she told me that she would go anywhere with me except back to CA. That would mean a divorce.
  5. I really thought about waiting to retire when I reached the earliest my employer allowed us to retire without penalty for early retirement. I was 57 and the added money from working a couple more years plus what it would increase my pension by were really tempting, but the job wasn't that much fun any more so I left on the very first day that I was eligible to do so. As I look back now, after nearly 20 years I am so glad that I took the pension when I did. The experiences we had fulltime RVing those 2 or 3 extra years that I considered working are far more valuable to me than more money.
  6. Windows are always a heat loss area but if the windows are dual pane that will help a great deal. The same is true for skylights. When it comes to adding them, you would need to know how the structural frame members are laid out to be sure where they could be added.
  7. Kirk W

    King WiFiMax

    If you click on your avatar it will take you to your own profile where you will find a list of all of the posts that you have made. In this case you made the same post, using the same title but put it in the internet on the road forum.
  8. Is it safe to assume that by Dicor you mean that brand of self leveling, lap sealant?
  9. They only get $7.50 for the process if you don't need a smog check so they don't/can't do much for the price. In theory, this is what they check.
  10. How is this related to the subject , Travel with Firearms?
  11. I think that we probably fall somewhere between the two lifestyles but, both Pam & I have hobbies that we have done while in all of our various homes, including the motorhome. When she is sewing to make clothing, new curtains, or a host of other projects it just doesn't make sense putting everything away each time she pauses and then getting everything back out. The same has been true for my woodwork projects and computer projects. It takes some time to set up a sewing machine, scroll saw, or her craft tools. In addition, when we stop for more than a couple of nights, we set out an awning mat, chairs, and such. Inside we must move the house plants into the sinks, or other places to ride well.
  12. Welcome to the Escapee forums. If the auto-reset breaker is tripping when it didn't before that would indicate that the motor is drawing excessi.ve current which usually means some type of mechanical problem. I would check the drive system for problems. If you replace it with one that has a higher current rating you could well be courting disaster. If you don't mind, I happen to know someone with that SKP# so are you by chance Jeanette?
  13. I have no idea if the two products are even compatible. I found these instructions that you should probably read carefully, on the internet. Of particular note is this item that I copied from them.
  14. If you don't want to make your own, there are after market versions that are of better quality materials than those from the air conditioner manufacturers. You can find them on Amazon and most will last far longer than the OEM versions. There are several other sources.
  15. Let us know where you go and how the results turn out!
  16. How many years did you live that way? We lived on the road for 12 years and some here have been fulltime for much longer than that. We lived in the RV the same as in a stick house so we were not always packed to move.
  17. What I found strange about this Amazon discount was that I don't recall seeing anything directly from Amazon but my son's employer sent all of their employees a list of deals for veterans and since the list was alphabetical he noticed it and shared it to me. Better than a free meal for users of Prime!
  18. It would also be interesting to know about the distribution of those who took the survey. I suspect that would impact the results if not uniformly distributed around the country.
  19. While I might put them in a different order, noting in the top 10 surprises me. Number 24 is interesting since they separate it from Mt. Rushmore, #8. I'm not sure how you visit Mt. Rushmore without visiting the Black Hills, but perhaps there were participants in the survey who don't realize that is the case? White Sands (25) surprises me just as much as Tall Grass(30). I have been to Tall Grass many times, starting well before it was a national preserve since we crossed it to visit my grandparents back when it was still a private cattle ranch. We spend time on a relative's farm each year that is only a few miles from it now. Even so, I'm surprised that many people even know about it or the White Sands. I would not have expected Cadillac Ranch either. In my opinion it would be a major disappointment to travel so far just to see it. On the entire list, there are only 3 that we have not been to.
  20. If you plan to keep the RV in Virginia when not traveling you will be taking a big risk if you choose to register it in MT. If the local tax authority should notice they could very well come after the taxes you avoided in doing that as well as possible fines and penalties.
  21. Legally speaking, it would be the place you put on your tax returns. For a name badge it likely doesn't really matter. We have been RV volunteer/work-campers at more than 30 different places and I do not recall ever having been asked that for a name badge, but I'd probably use TX as I have their license plates. For the casual acquaintance I have always just used TX which is our domicile. If they seem to be interested to know more, then I also volunteer that my RV is my home and I live there no matter where it happens to be.
  22. The first step is to visit the Medicare website and click on "Get Started With Medicare." If you already get benefits from Social Security, you'll get Medicare Part A and Part B automatically when you're first eligible and don't need to sign up. Medicare will send you a "Welcome to Medicare" packet 3 months before you turn 65. Once he has signed up for Social Security and for Medicare, you then consider a Medicare supplement because Medicare has a deductible each year and then only pays 80% of most bills and it does have other limits. You are not required to carry any supplement plan but there is a penalty if you do not at least sign up for a prescription drug plan, called "Part D" by Medicare. There are also supplemental plans that most of us purchase to cover things not covered by the standard Medicare plan. The supplemental plans are frequently called Medigap plans and there are plans, A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, & N. While each of these plans covers the same things from whatever company is offering, each plan letter is different from the others and some cover far more or less than do others and the prices tend to reflect that. In addition, the different part D plans not only vary in price but they also vary quite widely in what the out of pocket costs will be for each person, based upon the particular prescription drugs that each person happens to take on a regular basis. Every company uses a common schedule(drug tiers 1 - 5) of drugs and that determines what the premiums will be. Different companies have differing premiums and copays for different tier level drugs. Because both of my drugs are tier 1, I have a low premium plan that charges more for the upper tiers than does Pam whose premiums are more but she pays very little copay for drugs up through tier 3 and she has at least 1 drug from each of the first 3 tier levels. When you say "broker" I would assume that you mean the use of one of the healthcare exchanges, of which there are several. The wide range of choices can be very intimidating for the uninitiated user and an exchange agent will help you to work your way through those choices, if you wish to use one. I happen to use one that is provided to my by my former employer's benefits package but if you do choose to use one they usually are paid by the insurance companies the customers go to, rather than by the customer and all that I am familiar with do have a pretty good reputation. If you wish, feel free to drop me a private note via these forums and I would be happy to share our experiences with the one contracted by my employer and to share the information about who that is. If you are comfortable in doing volumes of research via your computer and making comparisons, you may not need to use one of the exchanges but for us it was and remains beneficial. As mentioned, it really doesn't matter where the service is located as part of the questions will be your domicile and that will determine where your carrier insures you.
  23. Look in the corners of your windows that are a problem and see who made them. The Hehr Co. seems to supply a major share of the dual pane windows in the RV industry and if so contact them. There are also several companies that will disassemble, clean, and reseal dual pane RV windows that have been mentioned on these forums. Suncoast Designers is a company that a friend used with good success, removing the windows and reinstalling them himself. Another company that I have heard good reports on is Coach Specialists, located in Waco, TX. They will remove and reinstall windows. RV windows are not at all difficult to remove and install if you have someone to help as you need a person both inside and outside. I have been involved in the removal to reseal windows on several RVs and it is much less difficult that most of us expect.
  24. Just a word of welcome to the forums! I've not had any dog walker experiences in the LA area so will just greet you and hope others can help.
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