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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. I used a Brake Buddy for many years starting with one I got ued in 1992. I upgraded it to what is now called the Classic in 2005 and used it until we let the motorhome go in 2012. In all of that time I only twice had contact with their service and one time the issue was resolved by phone, the other they sent me a part and I did the work. If I went back to a motorhome I'd probably also go back to Brake Buddy.
  2. Hondo is about 45 miles from San Antonio. Lone Star Corral is very nice park, but not very handy for touring SA.
  3. If you dig for it, most RV manufacturers have a low temperature rating for their different models. And those not rated for low temperatures will also be difficult to keep cool in very hot weather.
  4. That is a very important difference. The typical RV policy does not cover items that most home owner policies provide for the owners when traveling, such as personal property coverage and guest liability should one get hurt. In addition, most standard RV policies have a limit to the number of nights the RV can be occupied. Agencies like those that I listed and also Miller are well aware of the fulltime lifestyle and know what you need.
  5. I wouldn't be in any rush to get most of them, but there are a few that pay off for most people. I think that most of us carry along more things that we never use than there are things that we should have brought and didn't. The total weight of our loaded RV actually dropped by more than 300# in our first 2 years on the road. It is great hearing that your experiences are improving. Your learning curve is bound to be steeper when you have no prior RV experience, but you clearly are adapting and gaining the right perspective of things. My grandfather used to say that if you never experience any bad times you will never fully enjoy the good times.
  6. Foremost Insurance RV Advantage Explorer RV Insurance
  7. In my own experience, the answer is no but my wife did one as a bank loan officer back before we retired. That was for an automobile loan but the action would be pretty much the same. If you are in a position to do this, the best place to start is by speaking to the lender who holds your present loan. They will probably be willing do do this as long as the new collateral is worth as much or more than what you have now.
  8. I just today learned that Amazon Prime is discounting a 1 year subscription by $40, but today is the last day to apply for it. The link that you need is Discount Prime.
  9. Welcome to the Escapee forums. Hope that you get an acceptable resolution of the problems.
  10. Even the current Escapees president has “sleeves.”
  11. I'm not sure what you mean, but you should never have both the inverter and another source of 120V power connected to the same circuits at the same time, so if you mean a device to prevent that, the answer is yes. An RV that has an onboard generator always has a transfer device that opens one side before it closes to the other source. This should work the same way.
  12. As far as I can tell, the data doesn't cover anything to the east of MT, WY, CO, or NM. There are many cameras east of that area that I have looked at, but none are listed. A good example of that is the site Kan Drive Roads which has dozens of cameras that you can access, yet none of them show on that program.
  13. Welcome to the forums! The only people that I have known who traveled with birds were in motorhomes but I have seen RVs that moved birds into cages in an SUV to travel when towing a trailer.
  14. Welcome to the Escapee forums! Like most others, I don't really advise storing your RV somewhere to avoid winter weather unless you were to take if far to the south and then leave it where you plan to winter. If you keep a close eye on the weather you should be able to travel south on dry roads for the most part. I do not advocate driving the RV on slick roads for most people but that should be avoidable and storing the RV in Kansas City would still leave you with nearly as much risk of snow unless you are willing to wait out the weather. You didn't say if you will be traveling solo nor if you are retired, but I do suggest avoiding travel in any major storm. I traveled the highways in my job so did travel in bad weather and 20+ years of that was in CO and WY so I am familiar with driving on bad roads. Just keep in mind that with your RV you can stop at the nearest RV park and just wait out any bad road situations.
  15. I am a believer in the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
  16. And I believe that it only applies to customers who were paying for unlimited data services.
  17. Quoting Chirkawa from the HD forum thread..............
  18. Welcome to the Escapee forums and to the RV club!
  19. Welcome to the Escapees forums and also to the RV club! We are happy to have you with us and are here to help as much as we are able. You may want to take the time to visit some of the websites listed in the signatures of many who post here as they tell stories of how the authors did what you are planning and may give you some new ideas. Keep in mind that the only limit to the ways you can live life in your RV is your own imagination. As you head out next spring, consider joining us at the next Escapade in Rock Springs, WY.
  20. I think that what spindrift was commenting about was your thought that there have been increased thefts of truck/trailer combinations. Like him, I too live in TX and while I did recently read an article about that type of theft, the article didn't indicate a major increase recently, only that it has been happening for a long time and that it still does. The other thing is that the article was totally about commercial trucks & trailers and never made any mention of RV thefts at all. If you read the subject story completely you will find that there is nothing in it to indicate any motive but based on the history of the two perpetrators I would suspect that they had in mind to disappear into Mexico and live there in the RV. We live in an information age and we are made aware of every bad thing that takes place anywhere that a news reporter can get the ugly details for a sensational story. It isn't so much that these things never used to happen as it is that we didn't know about every incident, everywhere. This is no different that stories of weather destroying RV parks, earthquakes, mass shootings, or forest fires. You need to be aware of your surroundings but not allow hysteria destroy your enjoyment of life. Chirakawa sums it up well.
  21. That is the answer. While not motorized, your RV is still a vehicle traveling the highways and as such is licensed the same as motor vehicles.
  22. A Utah man wanted in connection with the missing New Hampshire couple found buried at a Texas beach is back on U.S. soil after being apprehended in Mexico. Adam Curtis Williams, 33, was booked into the Kleberg County jail in South Texas about 10 p.m. Wednesday on suspicion of felony theft of service and assault on a peace officer. His bond was set at $1 million, according to online records. Sheriff's officials are planning a Thursday news conference. Amanda Noverr has been named a person of interest in the case. It wasn't clear if she too had been found in Mexico. Authorities haven't released details on how the pair may have known James and Michelle Butler. Wednesday, Williams was found in Jalisco, Mexico, according to Mexican news reports and relatives of the Butlers. Court records show Williams already was facing several unrelated charges out of Utah. He was supposed to be in a Utah courthouse in October but failed to appear. Utah criminal records show Williams was ordered to appear in a Utah courthouse on Oct. 1. A warrant was issued for his arrest on Oct. 8, records show. He has nine pending charges against him in Utah. Williams is accused of object rape, a first-degree felony, forcible sodomy, a first-degree felony, and forcible sexual abuse, a second-degree felony. Court records show the offenses happened on April 18, 2019. Williams is also accused of two counts of aggravated assault, assault by prisoner, interference with arresting officer, intoxication and unlawful purchase by interdicted person. Court records show the offenses happened on Aug. 4, 2019.
  23. It is important to note that the CARE facility is not owned, controlled, or in any way managed by the Escapee organization. It was begun by Kay Peterson as her special project and the land that it sits on was donated to the CARE center by the Escapees/Petersons. Quite a few years back the CARE center was incorporated as a non-profit, IRS 501c3 charitable organization and completely separated from the Escapees. The Escapees management/ownership plays no part in the operation of it today other than sponsoring fundraising efforts for CARE. Therefor the Escapees are not involved in this decision in any way.
  24. Kleberg County Sheriff's office has released the names of the two suspects in the Butler's homicide investigation. Thirty-Three year-old Adam Curtis Williams is wanted in a felony theft warrant (theft of the Butler's vehicles) Thirty-Two year-old Amanda Noviera is wanted as a person of interest in the case. The Kleberg Co. Sheriff's office is working with Mexican authorities to locate the couple.
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