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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. Is the operation you are describing here operating with power directly to the 120V heaters? If so that would mean that it is in a constant cool mode since there is no control function. In a healthy cooling unit the continuous operation mode will usually freeze everything if left overnight. If yours can work in constant cool mode and never freeze the lower part of the refrigerator, I have to suspect that the cooling system has issues, but do not see how that could prevent the automatic shift to 120V. Most RV refrigerators do cool better when using propane because it is typically a significantly better heat source. How old is the subject refrigerator? It is sounding to me like you may have more than one problem.
  2. Welcome to the Escapee forums! We are here to help and to share information, so don't hesitate to ask pretty much anything that you need to learn. While you didn't say what year the Hurricane is, I will guess that it is one of the "bunkhouse" versions, since you said that you have 6 children? It has a gasoline engine and is powered by Ford. That also means the entire chassis and drive system are from Ford so mechanical things are much like the Ford trucks of the applicable year. That would also mean that you have a gross weight capacity of 22k so be sure to have the RV weighed as soon as possible after you get it loaded so that you can be sure to travel at a safe weight. You should have everyone aboard and be loaded as you will to travel. When it comes to RV clubs, there are many groups who market as clubs but you need to realize that not all of them are really active clubs and all of them also sell things. FMCA is the most club run but they do still sell products in order to generate funds for the group. Escapees is a combination club and business, as it is owned by the Carr family and is the business that supplies their means of living but it is also unique in that the company also has an advisory council of volunteer members which play a major role in company decisions. They began as a small club with a newsletter operated by the founding couple and slowly became a fulltime job and investment for the founders and so had to also be a for profit business. There are local chapters and special interest groups. The Escapees are now managed by the third generation from the founding couple and remain a very strong club/business combination depending heavily on member volunteers. Good Sam began as a club and over the years has become more and more a marketing organization and the club activities have slowly played a smaller and smaller role. I have not been a member of that group for a long time so am not current on the present organization, but their reputation has faded over the years. Passport America is not actually a club but a discount group for RV parks & campgrounds who give members a 50% in return for a listing in the group's directory. It is a very good bargain for anyone who uses it since it only takes 3 to 4 nights discounts to pay for the $44 of annual dues. I suggest that you go very slow on joining groups for now and take plenty of time before joining more so that you can learn which ones are of benefit to you. I belong to only Escapees and Passport America at this time due to the cost versus the benefit received but no two of us are exactly the same so move slowly. Road service for a motorhome is strongly recommended by most owners. What it does is to provide you with service to change a flat tire (an very difficult job on a motorhome), bring you fuel, help to start an engine, winch service if stuck, or towing of the RV if it should breakdown. The Escapees, FMCA, and Good Sam all have it available as well as Coach Net and a few others. If you choose to join Escapees or FMCA either one of these would be your least costly way to get pretty much the same coverage but both require membership in the club. I used Coach Net for many years but due to the current high prices have changed to the service from Escapees. As far as tools to carry, that depends mostly on what you are capable of doing and willing to do. I did most of my own repairs over many years and carried a pretty basic tool box when traveling part-time but had far more when we went on the road full-time. I suggest that you start with just a small tool box of basic hand tools. You should also get a modest priced volt/ohm meter and make sure that you understand how to use it. This has become very long so let me just say that you should not hesitate to as any questions you may have and come here as often as you wish. Welcome to the group!
  3. Last time that I checked, "work" was a 4 letter word!
  4. A great deal of the success of their use will depend on the dog. I have 2 friends that use them quite successfully, one with a standard poodle and the other with a Lab/Poodle. But we also have friends who tried one on 2 mixed breed dogs and found one worked "most of the time" and the other dog didn't seem to respond at all. I have never tried them.
  5. CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A gruesome discovery was made in an area known as the "Bowl" just south of Bob Hall Pier Sunday night, according to Kleberg County Chief Deputy Jaime Garza. Garza told 3News that investigators found, what they presume to be, the body of a woman Sunday night. At around 2 p.m. Monday, authorities confirmed that a second body, a male, had been found during their search of the area.
  6. The phone issues are true, but as one who has been part of the group for 20 years, I have never had the sort of problems that you state. I am currently logged into my dashboard and had no problems at all and in that time I have never had a serious mail issue except for the time that I reversed the digits in a zip code I wanted mail sent to. Even then, I did eventually get my mail. It is true that there have been changes to the club but there have also been changes to the makeup of the membership. Nothing stays the same. You either change with the times or you fade into history. As one who is very active in the club and who has been so for a long time, it is still the best RV organization available.
  7. Where in CA are you? Pam has family the Redlands/San Bernardino area.
  8. Just saw this new report so .......... Possible body found
  9. The thermostat is not adjustable but I believe an adjustable one is available. To be sure if it is used for both heat sources I need the Suburban model number. You can go to Bryant RV website and get a copy of the service manual.
  10. You can lower humidity problems by alway opening a vent a little when cooking or using the shower. Condensation can be a problem in cold weather. It is much worse if you don’t open a vent. Windows will collect a lot of moisture if not dual pane.
  11. It might be low gas pressure. Does the stove burner show lots of yellow or mostly blue? All controls are 12v so you would have to remove it to power them down.
  12. Old age sneaks up on all of us! 🤪
  13. No. I just did and see that something new has been added!
  14. That used to be a pretty popular subject but that was when restaurants and users of cooking oil would just give it away. Today there are many who buy that used oil and grease for recycling and so it isn't free now and there is a lot of work involved. Here is a story about what is involved. RV powered by vegetable oil!
  15. I have been watching this on the Escapee facebook pages and thought that I'd share it with everyone here. I have not been able to find anything new in the past day or so. https://www.facebook.com/108940123868966/photos/a.108973060532339/110136517082660/?type=3&eid=ARCf0S_gsiHOptJYQTIYgP3tDoRYTkVqyZE9kB5YA_D_AXf_WXb2M7VvhAWClTIDb5vyIoqfDrCvYzDI&__tn__=EHH-R
  16. Alpha Systems was probably the company that supplied the materials for the trailer roof. In most cases the supplier of an RV component is where the warranty for such products actually comes from. Did you contact Alpha or might it have been Dutchman? In the only case that I know of where a Dicor roof failed, it was Dicor who stood behind the product. And thank you Cindy for returning to let us know of the favorable resolution!
  17. If you use most small generators, you need to get the 30/15a adapter and not a twist lock.
  18. That is interesting. Unless it has changed, at least a few of the Escapee BOF groups use Yahoo to communicate.
  19. Welcome to the forums! The big gathering will be in Quartzsite, AZ with the high point of the action taking place with the "big tent" in January. If you are still around Colorado in the spring, you won't be that far from Rock Springs, WY and the 2020 Escapade. You may find it worthwhile to sign up for RVers Boot Camp just before the rally begins.
  20. That sounds like an interesting story. I don't really understand how they could have made a tire without cords? It has been quite a few years ago but I did tour a Goodyear factory where they were making belted tires and the belts were an integral part of the process before molding took place. I have used a lot of their tires over the years and most have served as expected and the only time I can remember getting a bad one, they promptly replaced it with another. The bad one was on a class A and it was out of round and could not be balanced.
  21. I would also check the switch first as that sounds like a strong possibility. Most likely you have a switch that is open in the center position and closed either of the other two positions(raise & lower). It may have one bad set of contacts. You can easily check it with an ohm meter, or as a quick test just use a jumper wire to connect between the lower contacts and the center. It will be very helpful if you have a multi-meter and are familiar with it's use.
  22. I think that you will find TX a good place to start and there are some very good reasons for Escapees having chosen to locate their headquarters in TX. If you plan to buy a used RV, there is a consignment dealer in Houston that has worked with many overseas visitors to the USA, helping them to find a good RV to buy. I suggest that you at least visit the website of PPL RV soon to start getting a feeling for what your choices may be. There are many other RV dealers in the Houston area which you may want to visit in order to compare prices and available RVs, but this one is a good place to start and they have a strong reputation. Once you land in Houston, you will be only about 60 miles (95 Km) from Livingston where the Escapee offices are located. In order to purchase the truck and RV you will need to have an address so I suggest that you use this link to get things ready for your purchase. You might be wise to get started on the preparations well before you leave Germany to come here.
  23. I never realized that tube steak was so popular!
  24. That could give Texas another plug as the Dallas area has become second only to San Jose, CA in the software industry. Two of our sons live in the Dallas area and both are employed in software, one writing code and the other is a financial analyst who tests accounting software. The industry is thriving all through TX. It isn't impossible as many do so, but the number of choices available varies from state to state and SD is one of the states with the least choices, FL one of those with the most, while TX falls in between. It is just that healthcare is important to consider Of course, if you should be employed by one of the TX IT related companies that will probably also supply you with healthcare coverage or at least help to provide it. Most employers in the US do have such plans. None at all, particularly if you choose to do so through the Escapees RV Club as they have a long history here in TX and have even withstood a challenge in the courts. You will need to have an address here to register and insure your vehicles.
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