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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. It is unlikely that the CO detector is running your battery down as they draw only a tiny fraction of 1a. A battery should last months. You probably have some phantom load. You can verify that by lifting the negative battery cable. The alarm can’t sound if it has no power.
  2. The postmistress in Lindale, TX told me last spring that even when you put in an address change or a forwarding order at your local office, an employee then types it into the computer in very similar fashion to what you would if doing it online. She also said that all mail sorting is done at the central sorting center and it arrives at the local office, presorted by carrier and is only corrected if your carrier happens to notice some problem. I'm not sure if that is true for help mail as well.
  3. And as of 10:25 today, Central Standard Time, it works just fine for me. The problem is not the USPS website.
  4. That shouldn't be a serious question. The reason many say to change earlier is so that you can file a partial year return, which sort of announces that you have left their previous tax jurisdiction. You could still do this if you think it important if you plan to be gone before then end of the year. I'm not sure how important that is for MD but do know that historically it has seemed to be helpful to those leaving the more agressive taxing states. If you actually move your business connections to FL and thus demonstrate that you have severed ties with MD, it should be fairly easily resolved if the issue happens to come up when you do not file the following year. Let me suggest that you take the time read and absorb the issues which are discussed in this article. The Ultimate Guide to Establishing Your Domicile as an RVer
  5. There are only 2 types of question that makes one look foolish. Those that you have and fail to ask, and the ones that you ask but fail to heed the answers.
  6. Kirk W

    Turkey Creek

    The name of the river through Branson & Hollister is the White River but that strecth of river is one series of lakes, with Table Rock Lake just above, empting into Lake Tanneycomo, which then emptys into Bull Shoals Lake, which then returns to the White River once more. I suspect it is one of the most contained stretchs of river in the US. Chindog is right about Turkey Creek which does back up to that area when/if Lake Tanneycomo reaches flood stage. I suspect that the RV park may be in a floodplain as RV parks often are. Upstream from Table Rock Lake is Beaver Lake.
  7. It is interesting to note to note that Pam has had a complete metal ankle replacement and it does not trigger the airport detectors. Not sure about her metal hip as the only time we have flown since that was put in, we were both put though one of the fullbody scanners.
  8. While there are legal alternatives, many financial institutions employees are not aware of this because it so rarely comes up, except in cases of fulltimers. I agree with several others that you would be wise to get your new address at least 3 months ahead of the departure date as it will not only allow ample time to get things changed over, but it will also allow time for dealing with an kinks, such as your CU realizing that you are using a mail service and refusing to accept that as well. This link will take you to a page of information on setting up your Floriday domicile.
  9. This is interesting as I have had "informed delivery" for about as long as it has existed, yet when I did a mail forwarding order they charged my credit card $1.05 which they said was to verify my identity. Could be that is what everyone will have happen? The same with my informed delivery. I may have listed a phone number as I signed up long enough ago that I don't recall but my informing notice is via email. I just signed into mine as a test and it was successful. Might be worth another try.
  10. Your quote is from the person who first asked the question. 😏
  11. Don't give up on us as we are not all critical.
  12. My wife was born and raised in CA and most of her family still reside there. For that reason we still vist the state fairly regularly. In addition, we wintered there in RV volunteer positions on 3 different occasions, staying between 3 & 4 months each time. The state has some wonderful things to see and visit and is not visitor unfriendly any more than many other areas with a high volume of tourist traffic. While I sure do not have any desire to live in the state, I agree that it would be a shame for people to miss seeing Yosemite, the redwoods and sequoias, and a long list of other attractions worth the time to visit. Like many here I don't like the large CA cities, but then I'm no fan of large cities in most parts of the world. There are cities that I have visited and others that I will visit in the future because of the things to see in them, but I'll not live in one of them if I have a choice. Frequently Asked Questions: California Residency Rules ...
  13. Let us know how your window project works out. You have chosen what could turn into some significant business.
  14. Welcome to the Escapee forums. I'm sorry that you have problems to cause you to post but we are still happy to have you join us! In anylizing what you have told us I have some pretty strong suspicions about the problem, but will deal with your questions in order. There are several possibile causes as the propane supply valves occasionally fail, there is a high temperature linit device that can fail, and there are a few other possibilities such as a failed ignitor probe, but the thing that I suspect most likely is what is called the sail switch. The sail switch is actuated by a vane that is located in the air flow path to the combustion chamber and it prevents the ignitor from sparking unless it is pressed to the point of closing the sail switch to make sure that your furnace has enough air movement from proper combustion before it starts the flame. If the switch does not close in a proper span of time after the system attempts to light the propane it will shut off the propane and in many models of furnace the blower will continue to run until the inside thermostate is set low enought to stop calling for hear or turned to off to allow things to reset. The fact that your blower is making a screeching sound makes me believe that the fan has not come up to speed and so the sail switch is not closed and thus no heat. The time to get the sail switch closed to get heat is usually under 30 seconds so it probably has stopped trying by the time your blower is up to proper speed and supplying enough air movement to operate safely. As to how to service it, that depends on both the make and the model. Atwood furnaces and some Suburban furnaces have an outside access panel that can be opened to service them, but most models of Suburban require that you remove them from the RV to gain access to the interior and work on it. It would help us to know what make and model of furnace you have but most likely it is one of the two brands that I suggested. If you know what make and model you have, you can go to the website of Bryant RV and download a copy of the service manual which may help.
  15. If you are no longer employed, I would get started in your change of domicile ASAP. I would get started setting up your Escapee address tomorrow. While you are about it you need to consider changing to doctors in the area of chosen domicile as well as making other permanent ties to that address. I strongly suggest that you read the following article which was written for us by an attorney who specializes in dealing with this type of issues. Where Do You Live: Domicile for Full-time RVers
  16. RV windoes are also gas charged, usually with argon and sometimes with krypton.
  17. A good leveling system does both. I suspect that you are right about cost being at least part of the problem but, having met Winnebago design people they all seem to be genuinely interested in improving their products ability to meet customer needs. Winnebago has sent a team to the last 2 Escapades to discuss what RV owners want and need while not even showing their products to attendees. If you haven't been in contact with Winnebago on the issue, I think that you should at least give that a try.
  18. Wrknrvr is an RV repair tech & fulltimer. I believe that he is wanting to be able to offer the service. Vern, I have googled the subject of repairing thermal pane windows and only found information related to doing this for house type windows but I'm sure that the process would be the same. Most of those services just drill a hole in the top and bottom and then use some type of liquid cleaner to flush through the space and then install some type of plugs back into the holes, leaving the air inside. I know that there are companies that do repair thermoal pane windows for RVs but I'm pretty sure that they take them apart to do that. In doing another search for RV thermal window repairs, I found a link to Dave Root Glass Repair, who sells a kit that is supposed to repair those windows. There are also some Youtube videos on the subject and it looks like Foggy Window Repair parts 1 & 2 may be worth watching.
  19. Most long term storage is by the month so it won't save what you may think that it would.
  20. I wonder why Winnebago stopped using HWH levelers and slide mechanisms? I had levelers by Big Foot and have worked on a few different brands but not Lippert.
  21. Are you going to try and clean the inside, or just reseal the leaking place?
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