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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. Not really my business, but if you do not mind saying, how old are you now?
  2. I found it! The nuCamp, TAB 320CS teardrop design. The use of the @ rather than A kind of threw me for a bit. It does look impressive but you sure won't be taking much with you. It does puzzle me that they do not list a gross weight rating?
  3. Welcome to the Escapee forums. I hope that you did watch the above-mentioned video as it may help you to understand. It is also important to realize that neither of the RV plugs that were in that video will connect to the generator you are looking at, directly. Each one of these requires the use of an adapter that isn't mentioned in that video and they aren't readily available in RV supply stores. It is also important to realize that this generator weighs 262#.
  4. If we believe his version, he didn't know any better but has now been educated. 🙄
  5. You bet I do. But the memory was refreshed a few years ago when we traveled I-80 west in late May and hit a wind storm west of Laramie that had even the trucks running 45 mph! Try and get free in March to visit Tucson and the Escapade.
  6. I posted what the typical cost is. Nothing more, nothing complicated. Not sure what hardware cost would be today but there are too many different options to guess at that. I doubt it is very great now, as most electronic items have fallen in cost.
  7. It really isn't fair to blame the post office for this problem. They are trying to help deal with a mess that was no fault of theirs.
  8. We had a "one year rule" for most things as well as clothing. If it has not been used in more than a year it isn't needed and out it goes!
  9. I think this is the key issue. If the containers are airtight then any moisture trapped in them will harbor mold spores and the result is now evident. You either need to have some sort of desiccant in the containers or you will need to air the clothing fairly regularly.
  10. I think this is the key issue. If the containers are airtight then any moisture trapped in them will harbor mold spores and the result is now evident. You either need to have some sort of desiccant in the containers or you will need to air the clothing fairly regularly.
  11. We have found this to also be true for many Passport America parks if you want the discount as they do not want to pay the card processing fee.
  12. Government positions and employees have long been a popular target and remain that way. Look at any thread about our national parks and that attitude comes up, as is true with pretty much any government agency at any level. Check out any thread about the postal service or the VA and you will see that same thing.
  13. Government isn't the only employer who pays somewhat less but has better benefits, just the best known for that. In such case, the total pay package, when benefits are included is as high or higher than competitive employment. Unfortunately many opt for more money and less in benefits, not realizing the long-term effect. It is much the same as waiting too long before starting to save for retirement.
  14. Even health insurance after you retire should be a factor to consider when one accepts a position for a career, whether that benefit is from military service or from some private employer. When I left the Navy, I looked for and found an employer who provided health care for my family that was as near what I'd had as I possibly could. As a result, I was able to retire early with health insurance from that employer which was very valuable then and even more so today. Current laws have caused many a private company to abandon the health benefits after retirement part of their plans and rising costs are impacting everyone, including the military and other government plans. Sadly, most of us do not pay much attention to what is promised to us at retirement as a benefit and we look most closely at the pay and immediate benefits part of our pay while we are still young. never grasping how quickly that retirement will come! Planning for health care is much the same as planning for financial security.
  15. The 104V is very low as shore power should be 120V, +/- 10% or between 132V & 108V. The fact that there is voltage with the fuse removed and none with it in place tells us that the fuse is good.
  16. Welcome to the Escapees RV Club, to the Escapees forums, and to the RV lifestyle! We are really happy to have you with us here. When you get to Port Angeles, WA, you may want to spend some time at Salt Creek Park, a Clallam county park to the west of PA. We have hosted there several times and it is a beautiful park!
  17. And you would not be able to take your grandchildren on exciting trips to places they and their families have never been, because you would be working! I have taken trips more than once with each of our grandchildren, one at a time so that they get quality time that would never be, had I been working. I retired at only 12 years older than you are now and have spent a great deal of time doing things with my kids when they were young and also with our grandchildren more recently.
  18. Be very careful what you wish for. I sure would not want to go back to work at 75!
  19. While each of us must make the best decision we can for our own circumstances, I do not believe that I know 1 person who has been retired for 10+ years that wishes they had waited longer before retiring.
  20. Welcome to the Escapee forums. We will do all that we can to help you so feel free to ask as many questions as you may wish. In reading your post it is very apparent that you have no understanding of the electrical systems in your RV. Before you do much more I strongly suggest that you read both parts of The 12V Side of Life. Your RV has two very different electrical systems and one working may not be related to the other not working. This really doesn't tell us much since what solenoid was changed? What was the problem that you had before that part replacement which it resolved? Since the original problem went away when the solenoid was replaced, it must be that it was a problem and is now repaired. Since everything worked at the campground but stopped when you got home, it would seem to indicate that the problem came with the connection to your "fixed fuse." Is your dad an electrician? Do you or he have an electrical meter and understand how to use it? Some voltage readings would be a good place to start as you could then find out where you have power and if it is the proper power to operate things. I agree with others here that you clearly do not have the proper direct current voltage from your converter (the device that changes your 120V alternating current from the barn) into 12V direct current to recharge the battery and supply the lights, refrigerator controls, bathroom exhaust fan, your water pump, and most all appliances except the microwave and TV. Since the air conditioner is running it would seem that you do have 120V alternating current available to it but like Lemp, I am concerned about the fixed fuse as it could be that it is not wired properly or if he fixed it by putting in a larger one the load from your RV may be too large for the supply and so the 120V is dropping under load too low for what it should be and if that is the case it will damage your air conditioner in time, if that excessive load does not cause a fire, which is a real danger. You need help from a qualified electrician soon! Based on what you have posted thus far, I believe that you are at least going to have other appliances stop working very soon due to the lack of proper 12V direct current power and could destroy the motor in your air conditioner due to low voltage and even cause a fire. Without some useful meter readings, it is not possible for any of us who do electrical work to diagnose what is happening but we can only guess. Your problem could be any of a very long list of possibilities that range from minor to life-threatening.
  21. After more than 55 years of marriage, you do not sound sappy at all. I have watched my wife's health problems take more and more control of her life so that does give me pause. As an observer of the process that you are now dealing with, I would suggest that your best bet is in men who have traveled the same road you now find yourself on. Good marriage experience tends to feed a good second time around. We have several friends who are in that position and the greatest part of their new unions is that they can share memories of happy days with the deceased partner, unlike those from a broken marriage. I'll never forget Pam's grandmother who married a man she had socialized with before either lost their spouse. It was great to watch them share family albums.
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