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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. I drove for just as long before I began to wear seat belts too. Do you ever visit a doctor if you are not sick? Some of us take preventive measures because of things we have learned as a measure of risk management. As a society, we do many things today for both health and safety reasons that nobody bothered with for many years. It just could be that those changes play some small part in the reason people are also living longer today? I sanitize annually now that we are part-time as the rig sits in storage for several months each year and did pretty much the same when on the road full-time. Unless you check the water at every stop, you very likely put well water into your RV from time to time that is not chlorinated as many rural areas use it. If you stop at COE parks, some of those are on well systems that are not chlorinated as is true of some state and county parks. We lived the RV volunteer lifestyle and we did sit in one location for anywhere from 1 to as much as 4 months and sometimes we were using well water. While such wells are tested on a regular basis, they are seldom chlorinated.
  2. We never sanitized our water tanks over more than 25 years of part-time RVing with our family, mostly from ignorance. But as we were researching in preparation for going full-time I learned about the process and the reason for it. I learned of some of the health issues that can be caused by water problems and those don't sound like much fun so I now sanitize annually. The only time it was ever done that wasn't preventative was the lone green algae problem I mentioned earlier. I look at sanitizing my water system much as I look at wearing a seat belt. It has been years since I had any reason to need a seat belt, but I still put it on each time I travel by motor vehicle.
  3. Welcome to the Escapee forums. Glad to have you with us and please do not hesitated to join in on any of our forums or in any active thread!
  4. Pam first noticed something in the ice cubes from our ice maker. That lead to investigating and I found green algae growing in the white hose by removing it and looking. That lead to checking the water line to the ice maker and since it was clear I could see a small amount of algae growing there also. The line went up the back of the refrigerator which was on the sunny side of the RV which I suspect is the reason it showed there first. I didn't find evidence anywhere else inside. In flushing everything I lifted the upper end of the ice maker water supply to avoid putting the residue through it. I then used a jumper to supply 12V to the water valve for it. The supply hose I used a mix of 1/4 cup of bleach in 2 gallons of water and then filled the hose with that and let it stand for several hours, using a different hose to supply the RV.
  5. I an not a chemist, but I have done a lot of research on RV sanitation issues. I have been using the process linked to on our website for more than 30 years with good results. The only time that we have ever had any issue with this was the summer in KS as a park host where we were connected to well water (tested but not chlorinated) and our white water hose was in the sun all day, every day. That one time we did develop an algae problem in our supply hose and a little inside of the RV water system. The result was that I did another sanitizing to kill the algae, flushed the system thoroughly after letting the chlorine bleach treated water sit for 2 hours, and by covering the white hose with foam pipe insulation the problem never returned.
  6. Thanks for taking the time! Hope that your travels go as well or even better than ours.
  7. What do you think of using Sodium Dichlor granules in place of chlorine bleach for RV water system sanitizing?
  8. I did, but only 1 time in many years. We rarely stay in a KOA so have little recent experience with them to base an opinion on. We do have a current PA membership and have used several of those parks this year.
  9. Does it sanitize the water system the way that chlorine does? Not being a chemist, I really tend to think that it would but do not know for sure.
  10. Here is the procedure that I use each spring.
  11. Please do return and share once the solution is found. It helps us to assist others in the future.
  12. Welcome to the Escapee forums! We are pleased that you found it helpful and please do come back and contribute to our community. ☺️
  13. MR77, welcome to the Escapee forums! Glad to have you here.
  14. I assume you mean just that the tablecloth will stay put, but with nothing sitting on the table? If you travel in an air-ride RV you might be able to find something that will work but if not, you might be the first unless you have something unique. We had friends who traveled in a motorhome with air-ride who kept a table pad on with elastic straps under the table from side to side, and it would keep the tablecloth in place while traveling, most of the time. I don't think that would work for most trailer RVs.
  15. Welcome to the Escapee forums, Bruce! Probably not a widespread issue but most definitely possible. The propane detector actually detects hydrocarbons which are found in most common combustible gasses.
  16. Welcome to the Escapee forums! You can download a copy of the service manual from Bryant RV/service documents. Since you have no indications on the display and you find no 12V power to or through the 3a fuse, that confirms that you have no 12V-dc power to the refrigerator and since that provides all control functions of your refrigerator it will prevent it operating in any mode. Next, I would check for 12V at the two terminal connectors just to the right of your yellow arrow. That is the source of 12V for your refrigerator and if there is no voltage there your problem is not in the refrigerator but in the power supplied to it. If there is a voltage there but it is below 10V-dc that still may be the problem as it won't work reliably with low voltage.
  17. The EU2000i running an 8 amp inductive load (a boat blower.) The peaks of the sine wave are a bit lower, but overall it's not much different from running with no load.
  18. True, but planning and hard work play a major role in being lucky. Perhaps I have lead a charmed life.
  19. It is all about money management. The earlier you start to manage what you have the more successful you will be as it takes time to be effective. Credit can be a very helpful tool if used properly but can also destroy your future if mismanaged. The later in life you are and the more deeply in debt, the more time that it will take. It is difficult to stick to a retirement plan when you are only 30, but if you wait until you are 50 to start to plan you aren't likely to be retired when the people who started at 30 get there.
  20. This inverter/generator debate reminds me of my friends arguing over automobile purchases. Is the Ford or the Chevy best? Then along come folks who say that only the Lincoln or Cadalic should be considered. You need to realize that if you spend $500 for your generator you can't realistically expect to have a product to match that which others pay $1000+ to buy. The Honda & Yamaha generators have a long history and track record to back them and most of the others do not. But if you seldom use a generator and if it isn't critical to own, it may be that the cost of the top line just doesn't make good sense.
  21. Welcome to the Escapee forums. Do you have any lights on the refrigerator display or does the light inside turn on when you open the door? If it has any kind of indications that tells us that it does have 12V power. By that, do you mean that you also have no power at all? Have you looked at the Bryant RV website to see if he has a copy of the proper service manual for your model? Which model do you have? We will be happy to assist you but more information would be helpful. The main circuit board should have 2 fuses. There will be one that is 3a which supplies 12v power to all of the control circuitry and another that is 5a which supplies only the 120v to the electric heating element. You probably also have an over temperature device on or near the boiler which is there to prevent a fire if it gets too hot and those are not usually owner resettable but there is a way for service and the service manuals should address that. Depending on when your refrigerator was built, that device may be original or it might have been an update that was added later. I really do not have enough information to troubleshoot but may be able to assist if you give a bit more information.
  22. We too became very selective in what state's parks we used much, but not all are double charging the motorhome towing so check before you visit. Every state that I have ever visited had a listing of fees online so it isn't difficult and when in doubt, use email to be sure. I too use the COE parks a lot, particularly once we reached the age to get a Golden Age pass(now a senior pass) that is permanent as it gives you a 50% discount in their parks and the COE does not charge any day use fee for those in the campground whether towing or trailer. We have not found the problem of reserved weekends except in state parks near a major city and many states now keep some sites unreserved. Again, the internet is your friend. In addition to the COE, the Bureau of Reclamation has lakes with campgrounds and the BLM also has some campgrounds. The forest service does also, but many of those are now managed by contractors.
  23. That is rated amps and you have to know how the manufacturer derived the information. Typically they use peak ratings, not real world or continuous load ratings. The math is valid but is only as accurate as the data supplied. Also, the ratings are based on new equipment and most actual outputs will slowly decrease with age. The other factor to consider is the starting current of your saw and that is probably more than the rated 14a. The builder of the generator wants you to see the largest number that he can support, while the saw manufacturer is going to show the lowest for it.
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