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Texas Vehicle Inspection


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Hello All,
The Polk County Tax Office is taking a proactive stance on the new law that will take effect in 2015. They are concerned about meeting the needs of Escapees members as we are.
Procedures are being developed by the state for the new procedures on registration of vehicles. It has been brought to the attention of the state by Polk County the problem of members being out of state at the time the registration is due.
This is also a concern for the trucking industry and they are asking the same questions that we are about the registration of their vehicles when they are out of state.
As information is received, we will keep you informed.
This is a major concern for Escapees and we are actively working toward a solution that will benefit you, the members.

Jim Koca
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Thanks for the information as you have a lot of concerned people who would be negatively impacted by this. Also I hope that before the next legislative session some way of monitoring what is being introduced that will effect Escapee members can be implemented. Imagine what Escapee members could have done in the way of emails, phone calls, etc. if we had been alerted when the bill was introduced.



Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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I don't think now is the time for people to "panic" about this or take preemptive action. Lets wait and see what happens. That is what I am going to do, anyway.

Jack & Danielle Mayer #60376 Lifetime Member
Living on the road since 2000

PLEASE no PM's. Email me. jackdanmayer AT gmail
2016 DRV Houston 44' 5er (we still have it)
2022 New Horizons 43' 5er
2016 Itasca 27N 28' motorhome 
2019 Volvo 860, D13 455/1850, 236" wb, I-Shift, battery-based APU
No truck at the moment - we use one of our demo units
2016 smart Passion, piggyback on the truck
See our website for info on New Horizons 5th wheels, HDTs as tow vehicles, communications on the road, and use of solar power
Principal in RVH Lifestyles. RVH-Lifestyles.com

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We have talked to Representative White's office and they were aware of the law.

We will be forwarding them more information about the issue.

They are concerned about the issue also.


We also asked his office to see if Rep White could have input into the procedures to ensure that members are protected.

Everyone that we have talked to feels that there will be procedures to ensure that RVers out of state will be able to register their vehicles.


At this point there is no need to panic.


Happy Travels,

Escapees RV Club

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You are correct about not to panic. North Carolina has had this system for at least the last two years and seems to be working out OK. You receive a notice about 3 months prior to the registration date and reminds you if a state inspection is due. You can complete this soon as the inspection is completed (instantly) . Probably not good for full timers,. but NC is no hot spot for FTers. One thing that does sorta hurt - you have to pay your personal property tax at the same time you re-new your registration.


'08 Chebbie K3500; '07 Teton Sunrise Experience;
Native Texan/Transplanted Tarheel; Retired USMC


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Catfish, I agree not to panic but think this through.. I currently have a P/U and TT. Both are supposed to be safety inspected but at different times of year. Registration is at different times of year. Lets say I want to make a trip around the west maybe up to Alaska for maybe 6 months. Am I supposed to drive to Texas to get my vehicle inspected even in a 3 month window from somewhere like Washington state or Alaska. This makes no sense. I usually spend several months each in at least 2 other states that do not require my vehicle be safety inspected. I am not picking on you I hope you understand. I am just trying to make a point.

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We believe that the Escapees RV Club has enough clout to to have their members taken care of in this issue as they have been backed in the past. We're not getting in a panic about this.

Full-timed for 16 Years
Traveled 8 yr in a 2004 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Motorhome
and 8 yr in a 33' Travel Supreme 5th Wheel

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I am following this thread with interest. We are going to be coming from the UK for hopefully 6 months in a year travelling round. Obviously this would have an impact on where we have our "domicile" - it will either be Texas or Florida. We would prefer Texas as that is nearer to where we want to start travelling round, but if this goes through then we will go with Florida as there are no annual inspections.


I agree - Escapees should start a mail forwarding centre in Florida too :-)

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As I said - it is not time to panic about this. We take a wait and see attitude. BUT it is also wise to investigate and consider alternatives so as to be prepared. In our case we "could" get by for a year while transitioning to another domicile. But long term this law - as it is today - will force us to a new domicile. And probably new mail forwarding, even though we are Escapees lifetime members.

Jack & Danielle Mayer #60376 Lifetime Member
Living on the road since 2000

PLEASE no PM's. Email me. jackdanmayer AT gmail
2016 DRV Houston 44' 5er (we still have it)
2022 New Horizons 43' 5er
2016 Itasca 27N 28' motorhome 
2019 Volvo 860, D13 455/1850, 236" wb, I-Shift, battery-based APU
No truck at the moment - we use one of our demo units
2016 smart Passion, piggyback on the truck
See our website for info on New Horizons 5th wheels, HDTs as tow vehicles, communications on the road, and use of solar power
Principal in RVH Lifestyles. RVH-Lifestyles.com

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I'm with Jack. Now is not the time to panic, but it IS the time to make sure our voice is heard while they are making the rules for the new law. I heard from the Escapees front office and they said they have been in contact with Rep. White's office. I haven't heard back from him yet, but. Sen. Nichols' office has been in contact with me so both of our legislators should be aware of what's going on.


@bigjim: Surprisingly, I just bought my motorhome in Florida last August. At the time, I was a resident of Waco. To register out of state in lieu of an inspection, they require self certificiation of the VIN. Along with that form, they require proof of residency, such as a property tax bill, utility bill, lease, etc. The DMV office there wasn't familiar with how to take care of it so I ran on Florida paper tags for almost 3 months.


When I got to Livingston to register, they said they could have easily taken care of the residency proof requirement. I am not sure if this process is going to change, too.


2017 Allegro Bus 45OPP
Cummins ISL 450

Visit us at schwarz.org!

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Again, thanks for factual information. I have bought several trucks at auction in NM over the years while I was volunteering there. It was always a fairly easy process going through the Polk Cty tax assessor-collector. They are very knowledgeable. The last time was just over 2 years ago. The normal process included safety & or emissions on return to Texas. Some places you can only get temp. tags for a short period. I believe in NM is 10days.


It seems to mean that if you bought an RV out of state you would have to immediately drive or tow it to Tx. for inspection before you could register it. I am not saying for sure this is true just that it seems to read that way to me. I am anxious to get this resolved as soon as we can although I am aware that it may take until the next session to really resolve it. Almost no one in the senate or legislature seems to have voted against this which makes me think almost no one read it or thought it through. I think it truly is a situation of unintended consequences.

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bigjim your interpretation is correct.You would have to somehow get the new RV to TX.

Jack & Danielle Mayer #60376 Lifetime Member
Living on the road since 2000

PLEASE no PM's. Email me. jackdanmayer AT gmail
2016 DRV Houston 44' 5er (we still have it)
2022 New Horizons 43' 5er
2016 Itasca 27N 28' motorhome 
2019 Volvo 860, D13 455/1850, 236" wb, I-Shift, battery-based APU
No truck at the moment - we use one of our demo units
2016 smart Passion, piggyback on the truck
See our website for info on New Horizons 5th wheels, HDTs as tow vehicles, communications on the road, and use of solar power
Principal in RVH Lifestyles. RVH-Lifestyles.com

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We're kinda of in the "rocking chair" as far as I can tell.


Both trk/trlr will get new regs come Dec this year that will put us until Dec '15 before needing whatever is finally enacted. Plenty of time for all of this to get decided.


I believe that this is all gonna work out for us FT'ers.

Rick & Carolyn

01 F350 SC 6x6 DRW "Hercules"

01 CarriLite

In an interview,General Norman Schwarzkopf was asked if he thought there was room for forgiveness toward the people who have harbored and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on America. His answer was "classic" Schwarzkopf. The General said, "I believe that forgiving them is God's function. OUR job is to arrange the meeting."

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Has anyone in SKP management thought about going into partnership with an existing SD mail service?

Yes they have. As recently as about a year ago they did look at it and the revenue is just not there to justify it. It might happen at some point if an established service were to be for sale at a reasonable price.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Hmmmmmmm Jan sell 100 lifetime memberships @$800 ea = $80K in kitty. Then Valentine's special offering reduced rates if you prepay membership. Sounds like some investment is afoot. They are mortgaging their future cash flow for some purpose and obviously want or need a cash infusion.


I wonder how much it would cost to start a small mail service in Bushnell, FL?

Edited by DuffMan
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The last time I got caught out of state when registration/inspection was due, I was in Las Vegas. I went to their DMV site for an inspection that I could show NC when I got back. All Las Vegas did was check the VIN and gave me a piece of paper that said "Pass". Worked about 45 days later in NC with no problems. The state government(s) work in strange ways. Hopefully they will get it right in Texas, my home state, before or if I decide to return there.



The reason for the "not to panic" remark is because the associated quote from Jack Mayer did not work for some reason when I tried to copy it.

'08 Chebbie K3500; '07 Teton Sunrise Experience;
Native Texan/Transplanted Tarheel; Retired USMC


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I bought a motorcycle in Florida last February. The state of Texas would NOT register it until I returned to Texas to get it inspected. I had to register it in Florida where all I needed was a PO box for an address. When I returned to Texas and had it inspected I had not problem with the registry.

I had bought a truck a few years ago in Arizona and had a lot of trouble with the Texas registry. I had a 90 day tag from Az. on it to allow me time to return to Texas. What I didn't know was that Texas fined you $25.00 every 30 days that you didn't register it in Texas from date of purchase. You get 20 days to register before the fines start. It cost me $75.00 in fines for being late. The next issue was the title. Arizona does not have a paper title, it's all on line. I had a printed title from Arizona that I downloaded form the net. Texas needs a paper title to register. I spent an more then a hour at DMV office. We had conference call with Austin, Arizona, the Longview DMV and me. Texas insisting on a paper title, Arizona insisting they don't issue what Texas wanted . Finally Texas gave in and excepted the Arizona title I had. I don't think I will ever buy something out of state again unless I plan to return to Texas right away.

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D&L, That would make me crazy. Since 1997 I have probably bought 5 used vehicles out of state. Never had a problem when going through the tax office in Livingston and I was never coming back into the state soon. I have never experience the no paper title though. There must be some type of paperwork I would assume. You surely can't be the 1st. person to have brought a vehicle in from Arizona. One thing I found out in NM is they have the ability to issue you a paper title immediately. Texas has been my state since 1953 but for some of our leaders that run around talking about how advanced we are they sure can screw things up and keep us in the horse and buggy era. The current debacle is a fair example.

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Lets see, what have I bought out of state and registered/titled without entering TX?


- Three 5th wheels.

- Two Jeeps

- One Smart car

- One Volvo semi truck


In the case of the smart car it has NEVER been to TX. All the rest entered TX at some point in time, but never earlier than a year after titling. I've never had an issue. But it is correct you might have to pay a penalty if you register late. Been there, done that.

Jack & Danielle Mayer #60376 Lifetime Member
Living on the road since 2000

PLEASE no PM's. Email me. jackdanmayer AT gmail
2016 DRV Houston 44' 5er (we still have it)
2022 New Horizons 43' 5er
2016 Itasca 27N 28' motorhome 
2019 Volvo 860, D13 455/1850, 236" wb, I-Shift, battery-based APU
No truck at the moment - we use one of our demo units
2016 smart Passion, piggyback on the truck
See our website for info on New Horizons 5th wheels, HDTs as tow vehicles, communications on the road, and use of solar power
Principal in RVH Lifestyles. RVH-Lifestyles.com

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Jack Mayer

I can only state what happened to me.

I would like to know how you did that. I even called Austin and was told there was no way to register in Texas without having the vehicle inspected in Texas. I can see it if titled it another state first.

It is pretty simple. There are forms to fill out. There is another thread here that tells you exactly how to do it. You self certify the VIN, and have it notarized. You DO NOT NEED an inspection. In the case of one of my Jeeps I NEVER took it to TX or had an inspection in the 3 years I owned it. I simply paid the registration each year.


Asking someone in Government how to do something is not reliable and I do not recommend that as the ONLY way to find out something. Their website is fairly good and it is pretty easy to find out the procedures. I believe it is also documented on my website.

Jack & Danielle Mayer #60376 Lifetime Member
Living on the road since 2000

PLEASE no PM's. Email me. jackdanmayer AT gmail
2016 DRV Houston 44' 5er (we still have it)
2022 New Horizons 43' 5er
2016 Itasca 27N 28' motorhome 
2019 Volvo 860, D13 455/1850, 236" wb, I-Shift, battery-based APU
No truck at the moment - we use one of our demo units
2016 smart Passion, piggyback on the truck
See our website for info on New Horizons 5th wheels, HDTs as tow vehicles, communications on the road, and use of solar power
Principal in RVH Lifestyles. RVH-Lifestyles.com

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