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CO/LP detector false alarms


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I would caution that hydrogen sulfide gas from a battery is highly toxic/poisonous/lethal gas too that can kill you in addition to being explosive. Here are some articles and cases where folks have died from it:


One article states if you can smell it, it can kill. Off gassed from batteries very dangerous.

This is different from the small levels of hydrogen sulfide smell dissolved in water from Sulphur eating bacteria etc.

"Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that has the unmistakable odor of rotten eggs. It is produced from decomposing plant and animal tissue. At high concentrations in the air hydrogen sulfide is toxic, but it is usually just at nuisance levels in well water and does not cause health problems."

Source: https://www.bing.com/search?q=hydrogen+sulfide+gas+from+water&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=hydrogen+sulfide+gas+from+water&sc=1-31&sk=&cvid=C2A68DFFAA5842DCA4891CE55EC72441


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Training with hazardous gas was part of my former work. Hydrogen Sulfide is poisonous and explosive. If the battery is producing Hydrogen Sulfide there is something wrong with the battery and/or charging system. A properly charging battery will produce small amounts of hydrogen gas. If the battery space is properly ventilated there is little danger of explosion, excpt at the cells. One strange thing about Hydrogen Sulfide is that in heavy concentrations we can not smell the odor. Then it kills. At the plant, if we could smell the odor, we were less worried than when the detector alarmed when we could not smell the gas.  Before you all start cursing, note the key words, "battery space is properly ventilated".

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1 hour ago, Sehc said:

If the battery is producing Hydrogen Sulfide there is something wrong with the battery and/or charging system.

A very important point! And the incident of ours with the shorted cell did give us the odor so I have always figured that it was making H²S.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
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  • 6 months later...
On 3/18/2016 at 11:42 AM, Rich&Sylvia said:

My Safe-T-Alert CO/LP detector started false alarming about the same time that the allergy season hit in southern Arizona.

I ordered up a new co/lp detector (manufacture date: Dec 2015) and got it installed yesterday afternoon.


At 1:11 am the alarm goes off (just like the previous detector).

The weather is warm and the windows have been open all day and night. I'm on shore power and no propane or other combustion products are used.


I reset the alarm, back to bed. . .2.5 hours later and it alarms again.

I reset it. 3 hours later, alarms again.

So I put a soft pillow over it and it works fine. :rolleyes:


There's no odor of propane, and all the windows open.


I'm wondering if there might be a correlation between pollen detection and temperature.

I question temperature because the detector alarms at night, when the temperature drops 20 degrees.


There's a Mesquite tree right outside the window and several other Mesquite trees on the property - just now going to flower.


Any thoughts?


Your gonna love the answer it's humidity by some dry packs to suck out the humidity in the air (trust me it's cheaper then a dehumidifier) I usually by the buckets sized one I keep it under my couch and one in the master bedroom and one in my kids room. I was in the same boat around 130am it'd wake me up right after getting home.... Two hundred dollars later one system leak test then calling a few manufacturers they all said well no leak new detector how's the humidity how many people I told them three plus a dog . They said yup buy some stuff to dry out the air and it'll stop sure enough it worked 

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