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Andersen Hitches Owner caught defacing Corona Arch

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Andersen Hitches owner Ryan Andersen was photographed defacing Corona Arch in Southern Utah,  then posing with his family in front of the damage:




Similar graffiti was found in Arches National Park two years ago.  Rangers said it was carved too deep to be mitigated or removed:


Edited by Lou Schneider
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I am so aggravatted,  I want to see the largest possible fine and at least some jail time even if the minium. I would like to see a barring from public lands of at least 5 years.  I see this a lot at some sites where I have volunteered but this one at a place like this is most eggregious in my view.  At some point it could lead to access to some places only on a guided tour and we will all pay for the few.

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3 hours ago, bigjim said:

I would like to see a barring from public lands of at least 5 years.

Only 5 years? The ban should be for life. And we should all join forces to do our best to put that company out of business!

Anderson Hitches

Let's spread the story that tells who it was along with his company to all corners of the RV world!

Edited by Kirk Wood

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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1 hour ago, Kirk Wood said:

Only 5 years? The ban should be for life. And we should all join forces to do our best to put that company out of business!

Anderson Hitches

Let's spread the story that tells who it was along with his company to all corners of the RV world!

Well indeed this is fits at least the SAD & DUMB category and it seems likely that with the evidence images that exist that it might be better to NOT beat up on the company and the employees that had NOTHING to do with the punk-like-defacing of the arch.........

Might it better "justice" to bring pressure to "PUNISH" the "perpetrator"  and NOT the employees?  ?

Yes of course it's fairly maddening when some jerk gets his jollies wrecking nature and it seems that being a JERK is fairly normal for more and more people and positions but .............to punish innocent employees can bring us into  the trap of jerk-ism ourselves ...........

Being around jerks makes many of us upset and that is understandable, however....... might be best to focus out and aim the laser of justice at the BLM and let them know that a little-slap-on-the-wrist is NOT justice........


Last time I spent some time in China I became aware of a young lady that was sent to a VERY grim prison for a finance offense and she had to do HARD LABOR for 13 months 14 HOURS EVERY DAY!!!!!! 

In China they TAKE YOUR TIME.........EVERY DAY........ALL DAY.......

Here we Lawyer-Up and seldom have "TIME" taken from the lives of "well-off-Jerks"...........

IF this "well-off-Jerk" had 13 months of HARD LABOR ..........EVERY DAY...........might be a few JERKS decide to carve their initials in the doors of their jacked-up pick-ups instead of arches..........

Jerks are a royal pain..........


Drive on...........(Jerks need to do.........TIME)


97 Freightshaker Century Cummins M11-370 / 1350 /10 spd / 3:08 /tandem/ 20ft Garage/ 30 ft Curtis Dune toybox with a removable horse-haul-module to transport Dolly-The-Painthorse to horse camps and trail heads all over the Western U S

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This is nothing compared to what I see on a regular basis mostly in Utah.  A Mormon boy scout leader pushed over a large hoodoo in Goblin Valley.  Probably due to his status he got off with little more than a reprimand.  Several years ago a Utah family let their small kids play with matches.  They burned down one of my favorites, the historic Dewey Bridge near Moab.  A photographer who lives in the Zion area started a large fire under Delicate Arch.  He actually had to pay a fine since that occurred in a National Park. 

I cannot begin to imagine how many tens of thousands of acres in Utah are legally torn up by trail bikes and ATVs.  There is a huge area torn up near Hanksville but the riders are not satisfied tearing up miles of dunes and also cross over into the adjacent protected areas on what seems to be a daily basis.  It is a good thing that this past Fall I could not catch one when I took off after them when they returned to the nearby dirt road.  There are countless incidents and lots of damage with rarely any consequences.  A vast majority of Utahns want the State to take over the Federal lands so restrictions can be lifted.  YOBO helped by rolling back the Bears Ears National Monument started by Obama. 

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11 hours ago, JimK said:

  A Mormon boy scout leader pushed over a large hoodoo in Goblin Valley.  Probably due to his status he got off with little more than a reprimand. 


I can tell you as an insider that the Boy Scouts of America did all that they can to punish. None of the adults present when that happened will ever be registered BSA leaders or members again.  It is still talked about in leader gatherings. :wub:

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Not much of a punishment versus the damage done.  As I remember it, no one would talk about any penalties meaning a slap on the wrist at worst.  The man should have been thrown in jail and should have paid to rebuild the hoodoo if possible. 

Over the years, I have concluded that native Utahns take the wild areas for granted and have little or no interest in preserving them.  The damage being done to Goblin Valley on a regular basis is absurd.  Kids by the hundreds are turned loose to climb on the balanced rocks.  The bases under the rocks are being eroded and periodically some fall down. 

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I personally had considered purchasing an Anderson Ultimate hitch the next time I bought a 5th wheel, but now, I'll be looking more closely at alternatives.......  I hope their business and product doesn't go under, for the sake of the employees, but that this negative publicity will force a sale of the company to someone more responsible!

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other than a full boycot of all anderson products.

we need to have any and all wholesalers of his products stop buying from him.

no stores should stock or be able to order any of his items.

drive this (*************)  into bankruptcy.

lose everything he owns. NO money in the bank, tank his credit, etc.

anyway to sue him?



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If you painted graffiti on his building he would be the first to call the cops but he puts graffiti on a permanent stone and we are worried about his employees!  The younger generation has NOOOOOO respect for anything other than their own and that is even questionable. This dude is training the next generation, his kids.  Can't wait to see how that works out.

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4 hours ago, Dan Johnson said:

If you painted graffiti on his building he would be the first to call the cops but he puts graffiti on a permanent stone and we are worried about his employees! 

Very well stated. So far as I am concerned, any place that I shop which carries any of his products will be told that if they continue to carry Anderson Hitch products they will lose all of my business. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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One of the links Lou gave above was evidently from the person videoing this incident. He states "He was asked to stop. He sent two teens down to switch plates on the trucks; the little girl started copying him as well".  What a fine role model he is to his family. :angry:  His wife isn't any better if she just stood there smiling.  Grrrrrrr!!


Full-timed for 16 Years
Traveled 8 yr in a 2004 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Motorhome
and 8 yr in a 33' Travel Supreme 5th Wheel

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13 hours ago, packnrat said:

other than a full boycot of all anderson products.

we need to have any and all wholesalers of his products stop buying from him.

no stores should stock or be able to order any of his items.

drive this (*************)  into bankruptcy.

lose everything he owns. NO money in the bank, tank his credit, etc.

anyway to sue him?




4 hours ago, Dan Johnson said:

If you painted graffiti on his building he would be the first to call the cops but he puts graffiti on a permanent stone and we are worried about his employees!  The younger generation has NOOOOOO respect for anything other than their own and that is even questionable. This dude is training the next generation, his kids.  Can't wait to see how that works out.

Pack & Dan.....,.,


Mighty fine points you bring to the table.........shucks IF we only knew the rest of the story.......hummmm maybe......just maybe those darn .........e m p p o y e e s........drove the company head-jerk crazy and he just could not help the urge to do some arch-engraving......


Shucks.....this jerk gig is ......contagious ........ shuck I feel the urge to go out and.........kick Dolly-the-Painthorse.......however any "real-jerk" knows you never kick a horse because.......It's hell to pay when the horse takes it turn to kick back........(Dolly would be the soft-nudge compared to the "kick" from the Dollymama.......gulp)


Ok perhaps you have a point.......those darn employees should lose there job..........maybe next time they will chose a better company owner.........


Drive on............(Jerks need to have a ton-of-time taken away cleaning out ditches and colverts......take their T I M E.....)

This "jerk thing" is so ......simple.......and not-so-simple......

97 Freightshaker Century Cummins M11-370 / 1350 /10 spd / 3:08 /tandem/ 20ft Garage/ 30 ft Curtis Dune toybox with a removable horse-haul-module to transport Dolly-The-Painthorse to horse camps and trail heads all over the Western U S

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i never said any about any emplyee.

said they lose this job.

but any that want to work always will find a good job.

this fool did perminet damage to something that has stood longer than man has been around.

it is one of the things on this planet that should be held in awe and protected. not defaced for pleasure.

he has commited a crime agents humanity.

might as well dumped 10,000 gallons of used oil into lake tahoe.



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I looked up a couple of the news reports and it seems he has already issued an apology and on the surface at least it is better than many I have seen or heard.  I am not giving him a pass at all but now I want to see what happens from here.

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Hey all!

Let me say you all have expressed my opinion also.

That said, I live in Salt Lake and the TV carries this heavily.

Well, would you believe on camera, this#$%@& is saying he wants to pay for the damages and wants to work with authorities to speak and educate his "mistake" to others. So they won`t make the same "mistake".  Ya` right

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this guy thinks a apology is going to make it all better.

no way jose.

if i went to his house and gouged something into the outside walls, or scraped something into the paint on his truck. ( both very easy to fix, unlike sandstone). would a "i am sorry" be ok with him???.

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