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11 hours ago, GrayBeard Retirement said:

We are going full time early next year.

Welcome to the Escapees RV Club forums! We will help all that we are able bo please do let us know if the answers that we give are of any help. Here are links to several insurance agencies that have very good reputations in the fulltime RV community. I strongly suggest that you contact 2 or 3 of them to compare.

RV Advantage                        AIS Insurance Specialists                 Miller RV Insurance           

Foremost Insurance                Explorer Insurance                          Thum Insurance Agency

All of these have experience writing coverage for folks who live in an RV and travel as their only home and will understand what you need. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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"I'm curious as to why you're switching domicile from TX to FL.  TX, FL, and SD are the Big 3 when it comes full timers, and since you're already in TX..."



We do not qualify yet for medicare so we well be getting our healthcare insurance by COBRA in 2020 and on the exchange in 2021.  There are plans in FL with national provider networks.  In TX there are not.

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