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Tesla will pass $1000 by tomorrow at the latest.


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 It is 15 minutes to market close and it is over $960.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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2 hours ago, RV_ said:

 It is 15 minutes to market close and it is over $960.

And it closed at $887. So it lost almost $100 in 15 minutes.  It has gone parabolic and that is not a good technical sign. As there was no news that has dictated this HUGE price increase so fast. Some say that it might even test the resistance level in the 300s. I would be selling with such a quick rise in price as it is not realistic. 

2015 Ram 3500 RC DRW CTD AISIN 410 rear

2016 Mobile Suites 38RSB3

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This is clearly not investing based on sound financial principles, as there is no reason for a stock to go from $180 to almost $1000 per share in just over half a year, nor to gain/lose 10% of its value in 15 minutes. Either it was badly undervalued, is badly overvalued, or, more likely, some of each. 

This is speculation at its finest, with folks trying to guess which way it will go moment-by-moment. If you can guess correctly, congratulations. If not, sorry!

Mark & Teri

2021 Grand Designs Imagine 2500RL, 2019 Ford F-350

Mark & Teri's Travels

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Have you even test driven a Tesla? What is happening is that the ICE age car manufacturers are trying to compete unsuccessfully. The Bolt, built by Goldstar of Korea had 20% fail, 200, of their first shipment of 1000. They just stopped, requiring a tow for the unfortunate owners. Tesla is indisputably far ahead of the ICE age manufacturers and outselling them in each category Tesla gas entered. But here is why the Tesla supporters are, and have been so rock solid. Because Tesla made possible vehicles in cities, and without pollution. As a result, whole countries have enacted legislation to make fossil fueled engines illegal. The latest is the UK who just announced they are moving up the demise of fossil fueled tailpipes in the UK by 2035.

This announced today:

UK boosts climate effort by banning new gas vehicles by 2035



That is the direction in which the rest of the world is moving.


http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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3 hours ago, RV_ said:


Have you even test driven a Tesla? What is happening is that the ICE age car manufacturers are trying to compete unsuccessfully. The Bolt, built by Goldstar of Korea had 20% fail, 200, of their first shipment of 1000. They just stopped, requiring a tow for the unfortunate owners. Tesla is indisputably far ahead of the ICE age manufacturers and outselling them in each category Tesla gas entered. But here is why the Tesla supporters are, and have been so rock solid. Because Tesla made possible vehicles in cities, and without pollution. As a result, whole countries have enacted legislation to make fossil fueled engines illegal. The latest is the UK who just announced they are moving up the demise of fossil fueled tailpipes in the UK by 2035.

This announced today:

UK boosts climate effort by banning new gas vehicles by 2035



That is the direction in which the rest of the world is moving.


I agree that the electric car is the future. But the energy/pollution  used to make an electric car, including the battery’s is a lot more then a gas car. Not to mention the the charging networks need to expand GREATLY. Not to mention more power plants need to be built and the infrastructure needs to be updated to accommodate the amount of electric cars that are coming. I have not driven a Tesla myself, but believe in there mission and journey. But this still does not justify the stocks CRAZY rise.

Edited by rynosback

2015 Ram 3500 RC DRW CTD AISIN 410 rear

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Do yourself a real favor, drive one, let us know if that changes your perspective. I have many times had reality invade one of the notions I held, and evaporate them with a doing, rather than an intellectual exercise. Some folks are only now becoming aware of where Tesla is, and where it's going now.

Could you provide a scientific/manufacturing engineering study that validates that assertion? A source for your assertion that a Tesla creates more pollution?

Here is a Tesla myth buster page that also contains hot links to other sources. One image I've had is the entire number of refineries, oil well disasters, spills and leaks into our Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, and the many pipeline disasters that must stand ready to support each ICE vehicle. Once the energy tipping pount is reached where no energy goes into the crazy infrastructure using energy to drill, after using energy to build the steel ocean oil platforms, to build the thousands of oil refineries, the steel for all the wells and equipment to extract and refine oil. The toxic fracking liquids pumped into the earth and which is causing earthquakes where we never saw them before. Well, let's get to more discussion with sources:


Insofar as infrastructure, we have it already. Most folks with a garage or carport can fast charge with just an extra 50 Amp outlet similar to an RV one but actually 220/240.

I think you'd be surprised as most folks who haven't even driven a Tesla also haven't done a search for all the Tesla chargers in their area, as well as public charging systems that Teslas can use. Other brands cannot use Tesla Superchargers.

To be clear I'm not trying to justify the stock's price, rise or otherwise. The investors buy or do not buy, sell or hold, and ultimately set the price. Why would a Tesla fan like me have to justify the price other people pay for a stock? Charging anxiety is just not a thing for Tesla owners. If you go to a showroom and talk to owners you can see for yourself.

I am however tickled to see the shorts losing their collective asses after their constant attacks a spreading outright lies about Tesla. Not here, but in places like Seeking Alpha. None of their dire scenarios for the last 12 years have taken place. Take for example the constant attempts several years back to paint BEVs in general, and Teslas specifically as fire traps that will catch fire more than vehicles that carry batteries too, as well as highly combustible flammable fuels on board that when ignited burn cars to the ground. Those happen daily. But a sad fact is that it took the unfortunate fiery explosion and burning of Paul Walker in a Porsche Carrera driven by a friend. https://cleantechnica.com/2019/06/23/our-new-tesla-myths-page/

The shorts clamor about BEV fires ceased overnight with that tragic example of how gas vehicles burn in a crash. The only other instance of mass hateful perspectives being changed overnight was the Apple owners constant use of "Evil Wintel" as if there were a conspiracy against Apple and Jobs to prove those chipsets superior to the then aged and behind in all performance measurements Power PC chip Apple used. That pejorative disappeared over night with the announcement by Jobs that they were switching to the Intel chipset developed for, and used by, Microsoft Windows machines. Jobs 2005 announcement

I never saw that again from Apple folks, and it was all of a sudden because they were now using evil wintel  chipsets in Apple systems. That's why they can run Windows easily.

As far as charging systems, that's because you aren't tapped into where to look. Many times, unlike gas stations that must be seen, my Tesla computer will tell me where the nearest Supercharger station is located. Here is the page for Tesla superchargers, type in your location: https://www.tesla.com/findus?bounds=...tion%20charger
move the map around to see chargers in Europe and China and elsewhere.

No other car can use the Tesla chargers. But there are thousands of lower amperage public charging stations. There are many behind fast food places, shopping areas, destinations like Disney, Universal and six flags parks. That is so while the car is charging one can eat or shop or whatever. Our Tesla App and our inboard computers tel, us how long and call us back when they are charged. My Tesla comes with a public charging station adapter.

Here is one of many map websites for chargers, this one I plugged in Philadelphia. If you are elsewhere type in your location here: https://www.plugshare.com/

But public charging for someone with a house is ridiculous because why go charge like you went to a gas station with an ICE age vehicle? (ICE = Internal Combustion Engine) I'm putting in a home Tesla 220/240 volt huge amperage charger that can take it from empty to fully charged in about three hours. I'm also upgrading my house from 100amp service to 200amp like I had for my last house. 150 amp would keep the power from browning out when the A/C, Tesla charger, and electric dryer were used at the same time. I'm putting in a small shed/shop where I will run power for an window A/C, a heater, a thermostatically controlled gable exhaust fan to keep it from getting too hot when unoccupied, same for the heater in winter and lights so I'm upgrading to 200amp service.

See my two motor AWD Model 3 will have a range of 322 miles per 100% charge for a trip, and I can charge it overnight on a dryer 30 amp plug with an adapter. And it will still go 0-60 in 4.4 seconds. So why go to charge when I can do it at home, no gas stations necessary. And no fumes at all. You can't start it up and kill yourself with a Tesla in a garage. Besides, physician assisted suicide is legal here. So no muss, no fuss, no engine oil to leak on my nice concrete garage floor and driveway. Since we are selling our last gas powered lawn mower with my new electric 60 volt brushless system, and already replaced the string trimmers with battery that actually work better. The only fossil fuel burning device id the Forester, and we might replace it with a model Y, for all electric. Public chargers are for trips only or most Tesla owners, and I doubt we'll ever need one because we fly more now than drive. Electric is ready for prime time.

Let me know what you find in your area using the maps above I provided links to. It's like when you buy a new or new to you car you suddenly see them everywhere, but never noticed before you had one.


Edited by RV_

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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10 hours ago, RV_ said:


Have you even test driven a Tesla?

Doesn't matter, as my comment had nothing to do with the product that Tesla is producing.  It had to do with speculation in the stock market. 

The value of a (stable) company doesn't change five-fold in seven months, nor 10% in 15 minutes.  So what is happening with Tesla stock isn't based on the considered value of the company long-term, but rather speculators trying to ride the steep ups and resulting downs. 

I get that you are a huge Tesla fan.  I've been aware of it for years. You are practically evangelical about it. Continue to post daily updates of the stock price and page-long posts discussions regarding the future of electric vehicles in the world  if that is your thing.  

And I'll call what's happening with the stock prices speculation.  Fair enough??  

Mark & Teri

2021 Grand Designs Imagine 2500RL, 2019 Ford F-350

Mark & Teri's Travels

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You don't need my agreement nor I yours. The drop overnight prevented my prediction of it going over $1000.00. Oh well. I believe the attempt of so many shorts to get out and cut losses had a lot to do with it as many analysts stated is one of two major reasons. The other is the slowdown due to Coronavirus report from Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory three.

But my post to you had nothing to do with that. I gave you a link to Tesla myths and the facts behind them. Several of which you used. Did you open the links? Especially to plug in your area? Every person I had open them was amazed at how many Tesla Superchargers and other public chargers were all around them that they missed.

Hydrogen proponents have an infrastructure problem, no homes have hydrogen plugs. Were gasoline to be introduced today they'd have the same disadvantage.

RVrs regularly install their own power pedestals with 30 Amp like I did on my last property, or 50 Amp or both. Perhaps that puts the infrastructure and charging in better perspective. It is possible to charge with a 15/20amp plug if you drive less than 25 miles a day. But installing a 50amp charger in the home is usually preferred for those with a place to park it on their property. Saying that more RV parks need to be built so folks can own RVs and go charge and fill the water/propane to use their RVs. Of course folks with homes will charge their RV batteries either with a home plug in charger directly or on a power plug they installed, and take the cylinders in to fill propane and fill the water with the spigots at home. If folks live in an apartment or home with RV restrictive HOA or parking ordinances, they will have to use RV parks and public/private dumps and fresh water facilities or RV parks, and store their RV elsewhere.

I hope everyone reading will go the the myths link, and if they think there are no chargers in their area to look again.

That fundamentals horse has been ridden to death by the short narrative as outlined in the myths link. That also in the myths link.

Did you look up chargers in your area on those links too.

See those erroneous assertions you put out I answered.

Investor's business daily had a more rational reason for the rally: IBD on Tesla reversal

That and the short narrative reversal, including the fundamentals argument still being put forth about Amazon, Netflix and other stock market stocks that made and are still making millionaires. They don't have to make sense to you, they just have to make money. Tesla is holding at around $720 today. So I'll have to wait a bit to see that $1000.00


http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Both Tesla and the more than a few competing public charger companies are building more places for apartment dwellers and those with small homes.to charge daily. As well many more city parking garages have chargers today and growing fast.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Maybe you have mis-understood me, I love Tesla and there product. I think the Cybertruck is going to be a HUGE HIT! I would love to own one, but being full time make it much tougher as my rig takes 50 amps, so I would need two spaces to charge my car. And that is not cost prohibitive. 

So you are saying that if 128.5 million households added an extra 50 amp service in there home that the grid and power companies could handle it?


This is a good read about over all pollution 




This all started because you posted Tesla’s gains. And they have been going parabolic for no real reason. Reminds me of the dot com era. It is just to fast in a short period of time. I might jump in when it tests the $300 floor. 

A guy in options made 20 MILLION dollars in five days from Tesla stock. And that is not CRAZY?

Edited by rynosback

2015 Ram 3500 RC DRW CTD AISIN 410 rear

2016 Mobile Suites 38RSB3

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Appears no federal tax rebates for Tesla anymore.


However I did get the 30% tax incentive on the solar system I installed on the S&B to charge my Tesla.

Foretravel 40ft tag 500hp Cummins ISM  1455 watts on the roof, 600 a/h's lithium in the basement.


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No I know you are a supporter! But some of your BEV givens are not.

As far as the grid supporting 128.5 millions BEV owners, the charging stations and home chargers of current BEV owners have not strained it. let's not forget that solar and powerwalls.

As far as crazy, if you do some searches you'll see price targets remain the same:

"Just as we observed a clear buy signal coming into 2020, we see the risk of China's coronavirus as a clear headwind to the Shanghai facility, suggesting a more pragmatic position," Canaccord Genuity analyst Jed Dorsheimer said in a note to clients.

Dorsheimer said he still favors Tesla as the "leading electric-vehicle juggernaut." He added, though, that "we believe patient investors will likely get a more attractive entry point." He maintained a price target on Tesla stock of 750."

Source - Investor's Business Daily: https://www.investors.com/news/technology/tesla-stock-surge-reverses-as-model-3-deliveries-stall-on-coronavirus/?src=A00220&yptr=yahoo

So since Tesla can't produce 128 million cars this year, I see the decrease in oil drilling and the manufacture of the wells, drills, supertankers, pipelines, the ground transport of finished gas, oil, diesel, the refinery electricity, storage tanks, underground tanks for gas/diesel and their service stations will fade away as BEVs take over.

so yes, over time, the distributed electrical production and increasing storage of renewable energy produced will net a gain in electric usage.

And let's not forget the Tesla Energy products, as well as their giant storage batteries like that built in South Australia. those generate profits too.

Edited by RV_

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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An email from Daily Wealth.


What the $#&%*! Tesla?!
Briton Ryle Photo By Briton Ryle 
Written Feb. 05, 2020

So some wingnut was out yesterday morning saying that Tesla will be doing $1 trillion in revenue by 2030. A trillion!!! Shares were up over $100 (!) in premarket — and why not? I mean, $1 trillion in revenue is pretty awesome...

Now, you can't just say this guy is lying. It's a forecast... 10 years out... there's gonna be inflation... and maybe Tesla's selling diamond studded cars by then...

Besides, I'm pretty sure the Constitution protects our right to make wingnut forecasts — which it should. Cuz where would America be without wingnuts? Seriously, we are a nation of wingnuts. We take on ridiculously lofty goals and make them real. 

See that stupid rock a million miles out in space? Watch this, I'm gonna go stand on it, hold my beer...

Other countries can add all the STEM curriculum and violin lessons they want. That's not what this is about. The U.S. will still have the most innovators, the most people with vision, and the actual against-all-odds belief that they can make it happen. 

It's because we nurture our inner wingnut. We are batshit crazy, and it is awesome. 

Maybe I should put it like this: During this coronavirus outbreak, there was this video of police drones flying around China. One flies up to this old lady and scolds her, tells her she should have a mask on and that she needs to get back inside. She quickly scurries off...

Can you imagine that scene happening in an American city? A drone flies up to some lady here and starts to tell her what to do, she's gonna knock it out of the air with a stick and go about her business. That's how we roll in the US of A!

Anyway, I'll take the other side of that Tesla bet. I'll tell you straight out: There is no way Tesla is ever pulling down $1 trillion in annual revenue, unless we're talking Confederate dollars. Go ahead, call me crazy. I'll take it as a compliment. 


For Your Eyes Only

Your internet speeds are about to get a revolutionary upgrade. And it'll pass thanks to a little tech firm that I almost guarantee you’ve never heard of.

The new generation of internet is finally here, and I’ve figured out a way you can ride this wave for over 750% profits...

But only if you get in right now.

Click here to see why your internet is about to get 20 times faster and to discover the little-known firm behind it that’s leading the charge.

Sell Sell Sell!

At this point, I need to highlight the fine line between wingnut and plain stupid. As of yesterday, Tesla stock was up $300... this week! Elon Musk and any investors that are still (?) holding shares after this mind-boggling run are textbook wingnuts.

"I'll give you $700 for your Tesla stock that you bought at $250." 

"Nah, I think it's probably going to $900, you know, next week sometime." 

But being short Tesla shares? Actively betting that the stock will go down? That's just stupid and dumb...


We have an ongoing debate here at Angel about whether Tesla is a true powerhouse company that is changing the world or whether it's a circus led by a carnival barker. 

I told you what I thought a couple weeks back in an article called "Great Company, Bad Stock":

Ford and GM are better companies in just about every way you can think of. They sell way more cars, take in more revenue, earn more profits, pay very nice dividends, have been hitting sales records for like five years running, and both sell electric and hybrid vehicles. Yet, investors will tell you that Tesla is more valuable... [and] the market remains steadfast: Tesla is the better stock. 

Huh, whaddya know, nailed it. Coulda made a lotta loot, too. At this point, Tesla is a cult stock. There's nothing rational about any of this. It's all belief. Either you believe Tesla is the future, or you believe it is a fraud. 

For this run, the numbers for Tesla's business do not matter one bit. Revenue, production, profits — irrelevant. 

But there are some numbers that do matter here: 13 million, 27 million, 25 million, and 140 million for starters.

The Short Squeeze of the Century

Now, 13 million is the average number of Tesla shares that have traded on a daily basis over the last three months. Twenty-seven million is the number of shares that were sold short on January 15, 2020. 

If you don't know, when you sell a stock short, you actually borrow the stock from somebody else and sell it for whatever the market price is. At some point, you will have to actually buy the stock to replace what you borrowed. The idea here is the same as "regular" investing: buy low, sell high.

I expect the investors that had sold 27 million shares of Tesla short as of December 13 probably felt pretty confident that they would be able to buy shares to replace the ones they borrowed somewhere below $350. That was the high for Tesla to date. And we've pointed out repeatedly that even $500 was a pretty outrageous price, valuing the company at around $70 billion.


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By January 15, only 2 million of those shares had been covered. Tesla stock had rallied to $518, and there were still 25 million shares of stock that needed to be covered.

Now I get it: You have to have some ego to pound the table about a trade when you think you're right. You gotta be able to channel your inner wingnut. But there's an old saying that the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. And there are a bunch of investors who have learned that lesson the hard way over the last few days. 

Last Wednesday, Tesla shares finished the day at $580. Shorts said, "Oh, that's gotta be the top."

Friday, it closed at $650. Shorts said, "Oh, people will come to their senses over the weekend. Maybe I'll short a little more..."

Monday shares opened at $675 and ran to $780. Shorts said, "Please, God, make it stop."

The thing about a short sale is that it often involves margin. Your broker will essentially lend you some money if the trade goes against you. But if you hit your margin limit, you have a choice: You can add cash to cover the increased margin expense, or your broker will start liquidating. 

Yeah. It can be bad. This margin call thing happened to me when I was a trading greenhorn and I can tell you firsthand: All you want is for the pain to stop. 

This is why you don't fall in love with a position. And it's why you don't argue with the market. Crazy stuff happens every day.

Sadly, sometimes it's a good idea to rein in your inner wingnut, or you'll be chasing bitcoin or weed stocks or whatever the latest mania is. Sometimes, it's best to just sit back and watch.

Until next time,

brit''s sig

Briton Ryle



2015 Ram 3500 RC DRW CTD AISIN 410 rear

2016 Mobile Suites 38RSB3

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Good move. I should have bought the Tesla first instead of the Forester, or both in 2019 as December 31st they ended. My son who sold his Tesla shares at $400 just weeks ago is sick because I told him to hold! But he installed Tesla solar three year or so ago.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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46 minutes ago, jcussen said:

Appears no federal tax rebates for Tesla anymore.


However I did get the 30% tax incentive on the solar system I installed on the S&B to charge my Tesla.

That is a big advantage that makes other car manufactures just entering attractive. They will have federal and maybe state rebates/credits over Tesla. 

2015 Ram 3500 RC DRW CTD AISIN 410 rear

2016 Mobile Suites 38RSB3

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Tesla shares closed at $734.70 after lows today of $704.11. And after hours went up again to $741.00????

It's climbing again in line with the price targets of around $770.00 from several top analysts.



http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Ford and GM might make BEVs and Hybrids, but don't sell enough to justify them at all dealers and they are not stocked at all, like the Bolt by Goldstar GM only assembles at their plant. I don't think any tax credits will get more of the really inferior cars sold.

Your article said:

"Ford and GM are better companies in just about every way you can think of. They sell way more cars, take in more revenue, earn more profits, pay very nice dividends, have been hitting sales records for like five years running, and both sell electric and hybrid vehicles. Yet, investors will tell you that Tesla is more valuable... [and] the market remains steadfast: Tesla is the better stock. "

I could not disagree more strenuously. GM and Ford required outright bailouts which GM has not completely paid back as of now with $7 billions of taxpayer dollars at stake. Ford took a five billion ATVM loan and loan guarantees from the government to be able to say they never actually went bankrupt. So like Chrysler being acquired by Fiat, no American auto manufacturer made it through without Dubya Bush's TARP bailouts of mid 2008.

Tesla made it by the skin of its teeth but made it. Despite it being a new manufacturer. They took a $500million ATVM loan but paid it off within a year.

I submit that musk has been, and continues to be a brilliant leader even if he smoked pot legally once on an interview, and mouthed off inappropriately once at the shorts.

"We have an ongoing debate here at Angel about whether Tesla is a true powerhouse company that is changing the world or whether it's a circus led by a carnival barker."

Carnival Barker?

He started and built/funded Space X which is privately held. Boeing still uses Russian RD180 Rocket engines and the best they could do is try to set up a license to build them here? Boeing who are the epitome of the $500 hammer type of contractor. They got their Russian buddies to embarrass Musk so he said he'd build his own. Boeing publicly scoffed saying they could not even do that in five years from scratch and they were right, Boeing couldn't. Musk did. See any Boeing first stages being recovered by landing? See, Boeing is not even capable of continuing to keep their day job, they can't keep their newest designs from falling out of the skies. Despite workers trying to tell them it was a Charlie Foxtrot. "Carnival Barker" you scoffingly quote? Building the largest battery in the world on time and budget in South Australia, circus company?

Tesla Set to Bulk Up the World’s Largest Lithium-Ion Battery

November 18, 2019, 6:04 PM MSTUpdated on November 19, 2019, 1:00 AM MST
  • Australia’s Hornsdale battery to expand capacity by 50%
  • Storage system has saved consumers more than A$50 million

The system will be expanded by 50% to 150 megawatts, according to an announcement from Neoen SA, the French company that operates the site. The storage site has already saved consumers more than A$50 million ($34 million) in its first year of operation.

Since its 2017 installation, the battery has helped to stabilize the grid, avoid outages and lower costs by offsetting the intermittency of renewable power generation. That’s helped blaze a trail for other plants around the world.



Please show the CEO making even an equal contribution to cheaper and renewable energy.

And we haven't even discussed PowerWalls becoming cheaper and more efficient, Starlink Satellites going up every few launches.

His companies are not circuses led by a clown or irresponsible playboy. Elon Musk towers over most business people these days. If the big three can do better, or the Europeans or Indians why haven't they in the ten years since Tesla IPO'd in 2010?

There will always be limited resource thinkers that hate people whose success they want but just won't commit to the work, don't have the vision and ability, or both.

And soon RVrs as well as everybody else in the world will have relatively inexpensive GB synchronous Internet from Musk's Starlink satellite constellation going up now, and rumored to be in operation sometime this year.

We both know that's just a partial list.

My advice to any shareholders is to hold for a good long while and sell at $1000 if you like later. Unless you need to make a major life move and need the money before you're too old to do it.

I respect and admire Musk for his accomplishments and outstanding "make it happen" personality.

I don't mind being painted as a Tesla and Musk supporter. I'd like my grandchildren to have non-toxic air, water, food, and good health without being a greenie, tree hugger or anti gun nut. I just put a new red dot and laser sights on it and am looking forward to some range time when it warms up. And driving my Tesla.



http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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4 hours ago, RV_ said:

You don't need my agreement nor I yours. The drop overnight prevented my prediction of it going over $1000.00. Oh well. I believe the attempt of so many shorts to get out and cut losses had a lot to do with it as many analysts stated is one of two major reasons. The other is the slowdown due to Coronavirus report from Tesla's Shanghai Gigafactory three.

But my post to you had nothing to do with that. I gave you a link to Tesla myths and the facts behind them. Several of which you used. Did you open the links? Especially to plug in your area? Every person I had open them was amazed at how many Tesla Superchargers and other public chargers were all around them that they missed.

You have me confused with someone else.  I have made no statements regarding the efficacy of electric vehicles in general or Tesla vehicles in particular.  So I have zero reason to explore a link regarding plug-in sites. My comments addressed the wild swings in the price that Tesla has been trading at this past several months, and in particular this week and attributed them to speculators. 

Mark & Teri

2021 Grand Designs Imagine 2500RL, 2019 Ford F-350

Mark & Teri's Travels

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Good points Derek, I traded in my Porsche on my Tesla, because I considered the Tesla  the superior car. No other reasons. Of course, filling it up in my garage with free solar power is only icing on the cake..  Figure savings in gas, will pay off my solar system in 5  years, after that tires, windshield fluid and wiper blades will be my only expenses. And I put Musk in the same category as Nikola Tesla.   Jim

Foretravel 40ft tag 500hp Cummins ISM  1455 watts on the roof, 600 a/h's lithium in the basement.


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49 minutes ago, mptjelgin said:

You have me confused with someone else.  I have made no statements regarding the efficacy of electric vehicles in general or Tesla vehicles in particular.  So I have zero reason to explore a link regarding plug-in sites. My comments addressed the wild swings in the price that Tesla has been trading at this past several months, and in particular this week and attributed them to speculators. 


My apologies I did partially comment on Rynos post as it pertains to some of the old sources he used. I agree that the Tesla shorts, speculating on TSLA losing value, and the margins being called higher and higher, as well as some poor fools trying to invest at the top price (buying high, selling low) with no place to go but down. We'll see where it settles after the shorts cut their losses. If they short again it becomes wash rinse reapeat, or "Deja Vu all over again as Yogi put it. <wink>

The highs and lows were from shorts squeezed and still going on, and Musk's comment that the Shanghai plant will be closed IAW Chinese directives to deal with the Corona virus.

Gotta get back to work.



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Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Millennial favored trading app "Robin Hood" is reporting 22k Tesla trades, by first time investors, in the last 3 days. Think that might contribute some to the rollercoaster? 

Edited by Darryl&Rita
Add: Tesla

I have been wrong before, I'll probably be wrong again. 

2000 Kenworth T 2000 w/N-14 and 10 speed Gen1 Autoshift, deck built by Star Fabrication
2006 smart fourtwo cdi cabriolet
2007 32.5' Fleetwood Quantum

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Could be but I'd need to see the article and know what they were buying or selling. Still have the link?

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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I give up on timing the market. I've pretty much nailed what Musk will do, but have been badly off on timing it by hours days weeks and in this case months? Well it took a few months longer passing $1000 in June. Longer than the tomorrow I predicted, and now It's 3 or 4 months later. Tesla closed today at $1,365.88 Amazing. Had I not cashed in my 1000 shares @ $348, they would be worth $1,365,880! I bought for $17-$22.5 on IPO in 2010. Held them eight years, but just two years too soon. I could at least have bought another thousand when it was near $150. Who'd a thunk? ;)

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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