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All Tank Sensors indicate Full & Batteries reflect low.

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Our Fleetwood Expedition, 2008, is reflecting an unusual state.  All tanks (black, gray, fresh, propane) reflect full but I know all the water tanks are less than half full.  The propane is close to full.  And both the main and auxiliary batteries reflect under 5 volts, which I am sure is also false as both the engine and generator start fine.  We are plugged into 30 amp camp power that worked fine for the first 10 days here.  The shore power reflects 126 volt incoming.

We did have bad house batteries a month ago but the symptoms experienced with that issue were not what we are seeing now.  With bad batteries the refrigerator gave a low DC warning and the lights dimmed over time or with increased draw.  Other than the tank and battery displays mentioned above there are no visible problems.  Our frig is working with no errors showing, our lights, tv, 120 volt outlets all appear to be functioning.

I have run the generator with no change in display status.  I have unplugged and turned off both battery systems, then tried the generator again with no help.  I have reset the inverter/charger again with no change to display status.

I am not an electrician and don't know where to go next with this.  Any suggestions will be appreciated.


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  If you are still having problems with 12vdc power. You need to go find, borrow or buy a 12vdc battery charger that can charge at least 10 amps. And find, borrow, or buy a electric meter that you can test 12vdc and 120 vac.

  Hook the 12vdc charger up to the rv batteries. So now you should be able to survive until things are figured out.

 Once u have the charger hooked up and operating, get back to us on the forum for the next step.



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Welcome to the Escapee forums!

16 hours ago, Roming Lions said:

All tanks (black, gray, fresh, propane) reflect full but I know all the water tanks are less than half full.  The propane is close to full.  And both the main and auxiliary batteries reflect under 5 volts, which I am sure is also false as both the engine and generator start fine.  We are plugged into 30 amp camp power that worked fine for the first 10 days here.  The shore power reflects 126 volt incoming.

While I do have an extensive electrical background, that information makes me suspect that you are getting some false readings, but to be sure we need to use a volt/ohm meter to take some good readings. If you have a meter, start by lifting the negative cables from each of your batteries and then take a voltage reading between the posts of each one. That is the only way to know for sure what the batteries read, but since you can start the engines, they have to be higher than 10V. 

Once you know what the battery voltages are, take readings with the batteries out of the circuit to know what your 120V/12V converter is supplying to the system. You could also replace those negative battery cables and unhook the shore power and take readings again. You can take a voltage reading inside from a 12V power plug and I would also check your shore power voltage at one of the 120V outlets just to verify what you have there.

Come back and we will do our best to help pin down what is happening.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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1 hour ago, Roming Lions said:

Found the problem that was draining the chassis batteries causing intermittent problems.  With that corrected all sensors now working correctly again.

Thanks for all the ideas.


You're not going to share what the problem was ? :(

Goes around , comes around .

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