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How long will this go on?

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3 hours ago, Barbaraok said:

But it all hinges on controlling the spread now to give health care facilities and researchers TIME.      And actually suppressing the spread is a means of getting to the point where the virus can’t find a new host and thus dies out.  

I don't know about it disappearing completely, but NY has proven that it can be at least managed if the public does our part. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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We all have to do our part.  I am amazed at the people refusing to wear a simple mask.  The excuses are typically if it uncomfortable,  they can't breath or it violates their rights.   There are a few that truly have a condition that will limit or prevent them wearing a mask.

The anti-maskers need to have concern toward the safety of other even if they are not concerned with their own safety.

Please wear your mask, use hand sanitizer and wash your hands.


Amateur radio operator, 2023 Cougar 22MLS, 2022 F150 Lariat 4x4 Off Road, Sport trim <br />Travel with 1 miniature schnauzer, 1 standard schnauzer and one African Gray parrot

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9 hours ago, trailertraveler said:

And for all the government promises of stockpiling doses in hopes of starting vaccinations by year’s end, here’s the catch: Even if a shot pans out -- and it’s one that your country stockpiled -- only some high-risk people, such as essential workers, go to the front of a very long line.

Important to realize:  Even if a vaccine is available the majority of people will not be able to get it for a while.

Full-timed for 16 Years
Traveled 8 yr in a 2004 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Motorhome
and 8 yr in a 33' Travel Supreme 5th Wheel

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Please note that the statement quoted by 2gypsies above was not mine it was from an article by an Associated Press journalist quoting Duke University health economist David Ridley.




And for all the government promises of stockpiling doses in hopes of starting vaccinations by year’s end, here’s the catch: Even if a shot pans out -- and it’s one that your country stockpiled -- only some high-risk people, such as essential workers, go to the front of a very long line.

“Will you and I get vaccinated this year? No way,” said Duke University health economist David Ridley.



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On 6/28/2020 at 9:12 AM, Kirk W said:

"You can't tell me what to do! It is my right to do whatever I want without any mask!"  🙄

That seems to be the theme of may younger folks who don't seem to care if they then spread it to seniors and disabled folks causing them to die. I guess that until you see your 50th birthday, we seem to think that we are immortal. 

Sorry Kirk but here in Florida most of the folks shouting the loudest about masks and social distancing being a violation of their Constitutional rights (where is that found) are gray haired old folks. I live in a 55+ community and they have ignored the mask and distancing from the very start. We just stay in our bunker (read home) and simply avoid the shouters and naysayers at all costs. It's getting harder all the time. For those that believe the herd immunity is the answer, I sincerely hope your beliefs don't result in the hospitalization or death of you or a loved one until or IF that ever happens. Chuck


Chuck and Susan      1999 Fleetwood Bounder 34            Triton V10 on Ford Chassis

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3 hours ago, chuckbear said:

I live in a 55+ community and they have ignored the mask and distancing from the very start.

Interesting! Here in Dallas County, TX the positive test results have now reached a point that 50% of the positives are with people under the age of 50, but the numbers keep going up as do the number admitted to hospitals. The pictures that I have seen on TV coming from Florida have been mostly from the beaches and look to be younger too, so I guess I assumed it would be the same as here.

We too live in a senior community with a minimum age of 62 and it is very rare to see anyone who lives or works here without a mask available and in use if at all close to anyone. Staff are required to have a mask on properly if they are withing 10' of anyone here. We just returned from a cookout put on for the residents as an early July 4 event. Tables were spaced with at least 10' between the chairs at different tables and each chair was well spaced from others by 6' or so each. There were about 50 residents attending and all of them had masks on as they gathered, only taking them off while seated to eat. The entertainer was kept at lest 20' from all of us and the entire event was outside, where science says that the risk is least. Most social contact here is outside and with chairs well separated. It would seem that we are pretty spoiled in this community!

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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Be interesting to see a Poll on wearing a mask by some of the following demographics:


Political Party

Part of the country




Amateur radio operator, 2023 Cougar 22MLS, 2022 F150 Lariat 4x4 Off Road, Sport trim <br />Travel with 1 miniature schnauzer, 1 standard schnauzer and one African Gray parrot

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We moved the majority of our investments out of the stock market today. We probably should have done this long before, but we kept hoping markets would rebound. Now we think things may go very far south soon.

Not 10 minutes after we notified our broker, our campground manager gave us a memo just issued by Inyo County where we work camp. Briefly, it says the following . . .

COVID-19 infections have risen 40% in the county in the last 2 weeks.

  • 33% of the infections were locals infected by out-of-town visitors
  • 22% of the infections were transmitted during group gatherings or parties
  • 33% of the infections were caused by locals who travelled out of the area and brought it back with them

The county then recommends limiting travel, refraining from group gatherings, avoiding businesses that don't enforce the wearing of masks, and, of course, wearing face masks.

The county warns that if the infections continue to increase, reopening will stop, and shutdowns may begin again.

From from we've seen, the upcoming 4th of July weekend looks to be a COVID-19 disaster. We'll see if there's an infection spike late July, but I'm counting on it.

While the actual number of Inyo County infections is small, I think the county is a microcosm of the US. I think nationwide infections may rise dramatically soon, or at the very least, continue to climb, and shutdowns will begin again.

From there . . . ?

SKP #79313 / Full-Timing / 2001 National RV Sea View / 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

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Each individual is different and what works for one may not work for another.  Age, health, diversity of portfolio, comfort level of investing, access to information and your financial manager or broker while on the road are a few things that make the decision different for each individual.  

There have been pandemics in the past (the importance of learning history) and there will be more in the future. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/1918-pandemic-h1n1.html. This is temporary but we have to do our homework to predict who will make it through, who will not and what new pursuits will benefit from the conditions created by the pandemic. ie Video Conferencing ZOOM, Google Meet, SKYPE, Facebook Watch Parties etc.  TeleMed is not for everyone but has certainly made our travels easier and our dr appointments safer. It may have a positive affect on health care possibility reducing costs and increasing preventative care??? I am on a 55+ RV Park HOA committee and we had our first ZOOM meeting yesterday.  Naysayers that hadn't tried it before were impressed with the quality and sound in our somewhat remote area and saw a lot of potential for our seasonal community to keep working year round.

Fortunately we have a plethora of information available via the Internet to compare opinions and find the route that works the best for each individual. 

We also have to remember that the members of the media are paid by the number of viewers and clicks not necessarily the veracity of their content and sorting through the maze makes us work harder to confirm the facts from reporters opinions and agendas. Further there are different criteria and standards of reporting the pandemic statistics from state to state even city to city further complicating the decision making process.

"Should I Sell My Stocks? It's a fair question to ask, but the answer is both simple and complicated.
Your stock portfolio might look pretty ugly right now. The coronavirus pandemic has hit the market hard, creating all sorts of uncertainty and causing people to doubt their investment choices."  SOURCE:  https://www.fool.com/investing/2020/04/08/should-i-sell-my-stocks.aspx

"How to Invest Your Savings for Short-Term or Long-Term Goals
The best place to invest your savings, from CDs and bond funds to ETFs and robo-advisors, depends on your timeline and risk tolerance."  SOURCE:  https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/investing/invest-savings-short-intermediate-long-term-goals/


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Interestingly, I have dealing with the face mask issue for a couple of days since the Governor has announced an executive order that they must be worn inside and outside if social distancing cannot be maintained.  But, and here is a big rub, from what I gathered from the article, the virus takes a break if you are in a public venue eating, drinking or exercising.  Well, I had researched this early on about cloth face masks, so was prepared to share the info with my elected officials.  I have asked the Governor's office for the "data" that she keeps saying supports her "EO" and have yet to receive it.  I have asked the physician who was supporting it in  a Wichita, KS newspaper from the University of Kansas for the "data", while supplying the data/studies that I drew my conclusions from.  Cases are down here, and we were supposed to be done with all the orders on July 15, now.  Our small businesses have struggled as our Public Health Officer closed the town well before others in the state.  I know no one that contracted COVID 19, my friends know no one either.  We had a death, and a friend of mine knew the family.  It was a COVID 19 death, but the death certificate (legal document) said the cause of death was heart disease.  Our Governor has said that we need to wear masks until a vaccine is available, and Fauci has said we may end up carrying a card to show we have been tested for antibodies.  Ah, no!  I have read the research, and "NO"!  I see so much fear mongering and terrifying people, but you must do your research and stop listening to the news media.  COVID 19 is so small that it will pass through a cloth mask, and I'll leave out all the gross possibilities of those reusing cloth masks, especially on young children.  I have a lot of "data" coming from reliable sources, but I am listing one here which will probably be taken down as it is against the current narrative.  There are many articles on the FB page "Recall Kelly".  "Knowledge is power."  They have terrified many of the older people in our community yet I have seen reports of a handful of 100+ individuals that have recovered.  Build your immune systems, because who knows what comes next.  

Before being critical of people who aren't wearing masks, which I am tired of, educate yourselves beyond MSM and the CDC (yeah, check them out closely when it comes to them and big pharma).  Not political in any way, just the facts.  "Data" comes from science not numbers from the CDC or KDHE.



And, from across the world:





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Both of those videos overlook the fact that while the SARS-CoV-2 virus is about 1 micron, when we exhale, cough, or sneeze, the virus is carried in moisture droplets that typically are ~7-10 microns and within the range that many fabric masks will trap or at least trap most of it. When you and another nearby party both wear masks, the odds greatly increase that those droplets will be captured before reaching your nose or mouth to be inhaled. Want even better protection? Wear a mask and and a face shield...

2001 GBM Landau 34' Class A
F-53 Chassis, Triton V10, TST TPMS
2011 Toyota RAV4 4WD/Remco pump
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We were on the road from February through May. Even after arriving at our summer location, one of the bigger issues for us is the availability of groceries and other products (sporadically everything from rice, fresh and frozen meat to dogfood) . Several on this thread and other threads have stated that they order online and have delivery or pickup.  We are rarely able to get everything we need at one store and sometimes not at any of them requiring multiple visits to multiple locations. Even online orders from Amazon, etc. were out of stock or delivery delayed for extended periods (that seems to have gotten better). Because of the small size of the refrigerator/freezer and generally limited storage space in the trailer, it seemed like we were running out of something every couple of days. Even though we have a larger freezer and refrigerator where we summer, limits on the quantity of items like meat and frozen vegetables has made it difficult to build up much of a cache.  So, my question to those that shop online. Do you usually  get everything you order? Since I see grocery store staff picking orders from the aisles, I am wondering how good an idea they have of existing inventory.   Do they tell you when you order what is out of stock or low on stock or do you find out at pickup/delivery?

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12 hours ago, SnowGypsy said:

Before being critical of people who aren't wearing masks, which I am tired of, educate yourselves beyond MSM and the CDC (yeah, check them out closely when it comes to them and big pharma).  

 You say it's not political, but it appears you're promoting a conspiracy.

Edited by hemsteadc
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We also live in a HOA facility in Central Florida during the winter most of the seniors  wore masks and gloves. There was really not very many places to go and most like us did not stray far from the facility. I choose to wear a mask and gloves  most of the  time  as I  have no medical degree and will listen to the medical folks rather than Facebook experts or media talking heads.

Helen and I are long timers ..08 F-350 Ford,LB,CC,6.4L,4X4, Dually,4:10 diff dragging around a 2013 Montana 3402 Big Sky

SKP 100137. North Ridgeville, Ohio in the summer, sort of and where ever it is warm in the winter.

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So SnowGypsy,  which peer-reviewed journals were you reading?   

Why does the idea of wearing a cloth/paper mask to help protect others from you,  should you have the virus with no symptoms,  and others doing the same to protect you, upset you so.  If someone has lungs so fragile that wearing a mask causes difficulty, they should NOT, repeat NOT, be out in public.    

People can not wear masks and eat.  It's that simple.  So when they eat, if they have the virus, it is being dissipated into the air, and if inside a restaurant, it is being recirculated.   Outside, it is diluted by fresh air.    Inside means the same air circulating over and over because no owner wants to pay to have 100% outside air conditioned all the time.   And the length of time that one is exposed is increased if you are in a restaurant.   A simple in-and-out very little exposure, sitting and eating over say 45-50 minutes (or more) means a LOT of exposure.   And a lot of exposure for those serving you!

I have been doing just fine ordering online with pickup for things I need.   I use 2 different grocery stores and if one doesn't have it, the other will.    I have one grocery store that has a couple of items (onion free sauces/salsa) that I can't get anywhere else and since just ordering those items for pickup is below their minimum, I wait until I need them and then go at 6:00 am (grocery stores open early in the desert in the summer) when there are very few people, and I am in and out.    I have been pretty happy with the quality of the items I'm receiving, and they are very good at letting me know what they don't have in stock,  Dave is on a very limited salt/sugar diet  so  I am really picky about what I buy.    The only thing that still is not available is yeast for baking, but it is summer in the desert so the oven is NEVER turned on.   Otherwise, between the two stores I am able to get everything we need, including low salt soft tortillas.     I do get a list of any substitutions (made, and I mark any ordered item that. can't be substituted) and any items that are currently out-of-stock in the morning email before pickup.   As I said, except for yeast, if something is out, it is available at either the other store, or the next week.   

We also order pickup for restaurant foods.  A lot of restaurants will bring them out to the car, others it is a quick go in and pick it up.   I order directly from the restaurant.   We even have a pizza place that we really like that has online ordering and their own delivery.    And a lot of those restaurants let you add tip directly to the order.   But I prefer to tip directly so I know the person actually gets the tips.  

You really can't compare to what thins were like in March with how it is right now.  


Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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It is a complete "waste of breath" to try and change the minds of anti-maskers. They will mine the internet for troves of information to support their view. After all, if it's on the internet it must be true. They will totally disregard the troves of information by scientist and health care providers that don't support their view. My view in the past has been, fine, let them not wear the masks. They might just eventually get sick and die and we won't have to deal with them. But this pandemic is different than anything we have had to deal with in our lifetime. This time the anti-maskers might infect me and I could wind up in a hospital on a ventilator for weeks. I am in that group that for me, it will probably be a death sentence. When I see someone without a mask, which are most people here in Florida, I run away as quickly as possible. To all you anti-maskers, yes, you have the right to not wear a mask. BUT, and this is a big but. You do not have the right to condemn me or others to death. It is the fear of the anti-maskers that has kept me in my home for 3 months now and not the virus per say. For those of you out there, Please, Please, do as you wish but consider that it might kill me or others. Have you no compassion or sympathy? Have you no shame? Chuck

Edited by chuckbear


Chuck and Susan      1999 Fleetwood Bounder 34            Triton V10 on Ford Chassis

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1 hour ago, chuckbear said:

It is a complete "waste of breath" to try and change the minds of anti-maskers. They will mine the internet for troves of information to support their view. After all, if it's on the internet it must be true. They will totally disregard the troves of information by scientist and health care providers that don't support their view.

We now call that kind of reasoning Aristotelian deductive logic.  It was the principal reasoning method employed before the scientific revolution.  Identify things that agree with your theory and pretty much ignore those that don't.

During the Renaissance, the world began to realize the shortcomings of this approach and what we now call the scientific method was adopted instead.  More formally one can refer to it as inductive logic.   The idea is to present a hypothesis and then search for ANY evidence that contradicts it.  The theory hold until such time as contradictory evidence is found.  At that point it has to be altered or abandoned. 

All we're seeing in this case is the "anti-science" attitude of a large segment of the American public.  It's as if science, and facts, in general, are things you don't have to "agree with!"  Unfortunately, in the words of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, "everyone is entitled to his own opinions but not his own facts!"

Sandie & Joel

2000 40' Beaver Patriot Thunder Princeton--425 HP/1550 ft-lbs CAT C-12
2014 Honda CR-V AWD EX-L with ReadyBrute tow bar/brake system
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18 hours ago, SnowGypsy said:

  Cases are down here, and we were supposed to be done with all the orders on July 15, now. 

This graph shows otherwise for Kansas.


Full-timed for 16 Years
Traveled 8 yr in a 2004 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Motorhome
and 8 yr in a 33' Travel Supreme 5th Wheel

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6 hours ago, trailertraveler said:

 So, my question to those that shop online. Do you usually  get everything you order? Since I see grocery store staff picking orders from the aisles, I am wondering how good an idea they have of existing inventory.   Do they tell you when you order what is out of stock or low on stock or do you find out at pickup/delivery?

We've had good luck with WalMart pickup at the store.  We also ordered from Fry's.   We get notified if something isn't available or if it can be substituted.  Don't know if you have them near you.  Naturally, during March-April, as it was in the stores, some things weren't available.  We also ordered meats & vegetables this way which was OK in a pinch.  We have no issues. 

However, I do like to pick my own meats and veggies so now I still go into the stores for that but I have a list and I'm in and out fast.  I don't roam the aisles for staples.  Our stores have done a terrific job of cleaning, protection and distancing.  Our community has also done a good job with masks and distancing.  Therefore, when I do go into stores I'm pretty confident.

Full-timed for 16 Years
Traveled 8 yr in a 2004 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Motorhome
and 8 yr in a 33' Travel Supreme 5th Wheel

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5 hours ago, 2gypsies said:

This graph shows otherwise for Kansas.

Also this one shows steadily increasing positive test results from the Kansas dept. of health.

COVID-19 Cases in Kansas

8 hours ago, chuckbear said:

It is a complete "waste of breath" to try and change the minds of anti-maskers.

That does seem to be true. 

5 hours ago, 2gypsies said:

We've had good luck with WalMart pickup at the store.  We also ordered from Fry's. 

We shop both Walmart and Kroger (parent of Fry's) and have also had good results. In both cases they allow you to check off what items you prefer not to get a substitute for. With Walmart, they often substitute either a larger container or a more expensive one for what you order, but you are still charged the price of what you ordered. Example, we ordered Great Value ice cream and they substituted Blue Bell. We ordered a 180 pill container of sentiments and they substituted a container of 300, both for the price of what I had ordered.  At our Walmart we use a phone app that lets us know when our order is ready, then check in when we start that way and it alerts them that we are there when we pull in and they promptly bring it out. I open the trunk from inside of the car and they place everything inside and my receipt is sent by email. The employees are all wearing masks and they ask to verify the proper order while keeping a distance of 10' or so. We have been very pleased with the service and while occasionally we have to order something a second time to get it, we haven't had much problem, although as BarbOK said, yeast is difficult to find. Sanitizers are also and TP was at one time but has not been lately.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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