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Dozens of Amazon's own products have been reported as dangerous -- melting, exploding or even bursting into flames. Many are still on the market


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I use Amazon, Newegg, eBay, Gearbest, in addition to local stores like Staples where I bought my Surface Go top model. I ordered my new One+ 18 volt from Home Depot as it was online only item. I started to look for Amazon Basics brand thus my basics batteries and shredder. I just received my order of a three pack of USB C cables at both ends for our phones and chargers today, ordered yesterday.

Amazon products are as safe as any other. This article was about their Amazon Basics line only. And just a few of those.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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You don't have to pay attention to RV. You can block him. He can rub you the wrong way but he has been around here a long time and has helped  a lot of people a lot of ways.  At some point what he says could end up saving you a lot money and a lot of problems.   Your choice.  Just block if you don't want to hear it. Or scroll on past his post. There is no law that says you have to read what he post.

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This forum is not on the RV subjects forum. This is about computers and related issues. This is listed at the top of this page as showing you are not in RV forums. Look up at the top of this page and you see this:

Home > Other Subjects > Computers and software

When you go in the forums you start with the RV forums. If you go to the "Beginning RVing" Forum, you will see this at the top of that page:

Home > RVing forums > Beginning RVing

If you prefer to only read only RV topics, then stay in the forums marked RVing forums, and they come up first. Your personal problem solved.

To criticize a post about Other topics in "Other Topics" is disingenuous at best.

So now you know you can block my posts. Or if you weren't just grabbing at straws saying you want only RV topics, I've shown you how this website is organized into RVing topics, and Other topics. Now you can block my posts and stay in the RVing topics section. I was here when the forums were set up and we have a lot of Vets and military retirees like me, so I asked Mark Nemeth, the then forum Admin, and the membership all agreed so we formed the Veterans forum. We also started a computer forum in addition to the Connecting on the road forum.

I hope that helps you navigate the forums better. I have been helping here since 1999/2000 initially while full timing mostly RV help with HVAC systems, plumbing, and especially Propane where I wrote a series of articles wit Ed Lee Sr, one of the top Propane engineers and teachers for the propane industry and his company then manufactured most of the hardware we had in the RVs until the Chinese competition drove American manufacturer Marshall Gas Controls out of business.

I do treat people as they treat me, bless your hearts.

Hope that helped you out with avoiding non RV topics by anyone.

I never needed nor sought your approbation kurtsara and markandkim.

The topic is Amazon Basics. But I answered your snark.

I will continue to help in the topics I choose, and answering the topics I choose and have many friends here too.

I changed hosts for my https://www.rvroadie.comrvroadie website and it is down until I write the new one in the next few weeks.



http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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19 hours ago, Barbaraok said:

Buy local.  I would love to do more of that but;  we had to spend the summer in the Mesa, AZ area because of Dave's health, so that meant dependent on local stores and the situation of skyrocketing virus contagion in the state.  At one point it was the most dangerous place to be.  

Two, most people in Arizona did not believe there was a problem until several funeral directors started asking the state for help in ordering refrigerated truck because bodies were piling up.  

Three, since most people refused to believe there was a problem, people were not wearing masks, including store owners, store employees and total jerks off of the street.  All of which meant, there was no way in h*ll that I was going to walk into any 'local' store.  Now some of the big box stores started offering curbside pickup, like the grocery stores and restaurants, or it was ordering online.   And who had the most things to chose from, Amazon.    

Did I like to patronize them continuously, no.  Was I going to chance walking into a place and getting the virus and bringing it home to my husband who's recovering from quadruple bypass surgery and pacemaker implantation?  NO.   I almost lost him when the original surgery was done - he spent a week (alone) in cardiac ICU, had to have 3 days of dialysis, and his recovery is just now turning the corner and the original surgery was in March!    

And yes, I am angry.  

  • I am angry at all of the idiots that refuse to believe science but will believe the latest conspiracy theory and snake oil salesmen.   
  • I am so tired of scientific illiterate people trying to call every thing a hoax.  
  • I am tired of worrying about family who are having to stay inside there homes because the air is so bad because of the smoke from all of the fires on the West Coast.   
  • I'm tired of people who won't do simple things like wear a mask, stay 6' away from others, not go into crowded places,  not practice good hand washing hygiene.

So don't lecture me on what I have to do!

There was no lecture, just point out facts. We both grew up well before Amazon, it was tougher and I believe we were also. NO seat belts, not car seats limited observations. There wasn't blatant, sex, drugs, violence everywhere and we all did fine. 

Did you contact the local store where you were? Did you ask the if they would deliver to you. Did you reach out to your neighbors. Never mind don't even answer that question because I already know the answer. 

The reality is no matter what you do, if it's your time it will be your time. Remember all the things you did as a child or young adult that killed a lot of people and not you. It was not your time. I'm a strong believer in destiny things just don't randomly happen there is always an action that triggers the reaction. I don't know how a reaction can if there was not an action. 

The reason there is an Amazon is because you were told and believed it would make life easier. I ask you to consider but I will never tell you what to do. You seem to want to assume that people are not doing what you want them to. At least that's how I read what you wrote above. 




White 2000/2010Volvo VNL 770 with 7' Drom box with opposing doors,  JOST slider hitch. 600 HP Cummins Signature 18 Speed three pedal auto shift.

1999 Isuzu VehiCross retired to a sticks and bricks garage. Brought out of storage the summer of 2022

2022 Jeep Wrangler Sport S Two door hard top.

2007 Honda GL 1800

2013 Space Craft Mfg S420 Custom built Toyhauler

The Gold Volvo is still running and being emptied in July. 

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On 9/13/2020 at 3:09 PM, bigjim said:

Trust me I tell them all the time. I think some are getting tired of hearing me. Buuuut remember when we search out a 3rd grader to teach us something new. Turn about is fair play as they say.😄

Yes, I have been told that by people of all ages. See above. 


White 2000/2010Volvo VNL 770 with 7' Drom box with opposing doors,  JOST slider hitch. 600 HP Cummins Signature 18 Speed three pedal auto shift.

1999 Isuzu VehiCross retired to a sticks and bricks garage. Brought out of storage the summer of 2022

2022 Jeep Wrangler Sport S Two door hard top.

2007 Honda GL 1800

2013 Space Craft Mfg S420 Custom built Toyhauler

The Gold Volvo is still running and being emptied in July. 

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YW Darryl!

X2 Bigjim!

X2 Rod!!



http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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13 minutes ago, Barbaraok said:

Anyone who thinks there was no drugs, sex, or violence in the 40s, 50s, and/or 60s is either someone 20 yrs old or is suffering from memory loss.   


Uh, WHAT??  Uhh... my memory is failing.....

Every generation that comes along thinks *they* invented all this stuff...  Old folks like us never had no fun, worked in the field, slept in separate rooms, ordered our kids from the sears catalog... LOL  Yea, the stories I could tell ya, and I was one of the.... tame ones.

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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Went to college on the West Coast in the 60s.  Even have pictures somewhere of my granny dress, sandals, and beads.😎.   Spent my 21st birthday club hopping in North Beach of San Francisco and ended up at Basin Street West at 4 am having breakfast and listening to Lionel Hampton on the Xylophone, as it was called then!

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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Western Washington State College.  
actually met Dave in a Chemistry lab.  As the only woman chem Major, my lab coat “fit” differently!😉

He’s doing much better.  Both nephrologist and cardiologist happy with progress.  

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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2 hours ago, NDBirdman said:

Uh, WHAT??  Uhh... my memory is failing.....

Every generation that comes along thinks *they* invented all this stuff...  Old folks like us never had no fun, worked in the field, slept in separate rooms, ordered our kids from the sears catalog... LOL  Yea, the stories I could tell ya, and I was one of the.... tame ones.

One thing I said a lot mostly to my kids but others to sometimes is,  Don't try to tell me I  don't understand.  I have been your age and survived it but you have never been mine so I guess it is you who doesn't understand. Sometimes they didn;t like it and it might take a while to soak in but usually it got their brains cells to churning.

My dad used to say "If I thought you would do half the stuff I did, I would just drown you now."

Edited by bigjim
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9 hours ago, Barbaraok said:

Anyone who thinks there was no drugs, sex, or violence in the 40s, 50s, and/or 60s is either someone 20 yrs old or is suffering from memory loss.   


I did not say there were none, but you didn't see it on the news, in the TV shows, or made into Video games for Children including all ways of killing people for fun. You got in trouble for playing "War" using BB guns. The only acceptable "Play Guns" were made of wood and really didn't look like guns. 

Discussions of sex, drugs and Rock and Roll occurred in person and you knew most of the people in the group, you could see them, see the look in their eyes and their mannerisms while they spoke of such things. Today it's virtual through interactions such as this. You cannot see my eye rolling when I read some of your comments and nor can I see yours. I cannot simply turn around and not listen to your comments because they are written and once I start reading I always hope to learn something from the time spent reading. If I am in a personal interaction I can tell pretty quickly when it's time to just walk away. 

So my memory I think is pretty good. I did not grow up in the 40's or 50's, but remember the 60's and 70's pretty well. Those were the best years for my generation. 



White 2000/2010Volvo VNL 770 with 7' Drom box with opposing doors,  JOST slider hitch. 600 HP Cummins Signature 18 Speed three pedal auto shift.

1999 Isuzu VehiCross retired to a sticks and bricks garage. Brought out of storage the summer of 2022

2022 Jeep Wrangler Sport S Two door hard top.

2007 Honda GL 1800

2013 Space Craft Mfg S420 Custom built Toyhauler

The Gold Volvo is still running and being emptied in July. 

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2 hours ago, lappir said:

Today it's virtual through interactions such as this. You cannot see my eye rolling when I read some of your comments and nor can I see yours. I cannot simply turn around and not listen to your comments because they are written and once I start reading I always hope to learn something from the time spent reading. If I am in a personal interaction I can tell pretty quickly when it's time to just walk away. 

I would offer that it is much simpler to "walk away" from written comments on the internet. Just stop reading if you want. There is no obligation to continue reading something that you don't want to read, and once you've decided that someone is not of interest to you, block them or never look at their comments again. It is far simpler than turning around and not listening to someone or walking away from a real person. In this case the "other person" will never even know you were there!

This reminds me of folks who get so worked up over Facebook that they announce to everyone that they are "Going To Have To Take A Break" from the craziness. And then they are back 30 minutes later to carry one. Just turn it off...  So simple. 

Mark & Teri

2021 Grand Designs Imagine 2500RL, 2019 Ford F-350

Mark & Teri's Travels

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Rod, if you weren't around in the '50s, then you really don't understand the '60s.   And shame on you for thinking that the '60s were the best years for 'your' generation, they certainly weren't for mine.  If you can't remember with vivid clarity every step of your day on Nov 22, 1963, then you really don't understand the '60s - - you simply were not old enough.   

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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56 minutes ago, Barbaraok said:

If you can't remember with vivid clarity every step of your day on Nov 22, 1963, then you really don't understand the '60s - - you simply were not old enough.

I'd add April 5, 1968 to that list along with May 4, 1970.

Sandie & Joel

2000 40' Beaver Patriot Thunder Princeton--425 HP/1550 ft-lbs CAT C-12
2014 Honda CR-V AWD EX-L with ReadyBrute tow bar/brake system
WiFiRanger Ambassador
Follow our adventures on Facebook at Weiss Travels

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35 minutes ago, bigjim said:

Mea culpa on helping send this thread so far afield. I am enjoying it but methinks we should move it to "other" since are not discussing computers. What say you all and I will definitly go with the flow.  Have a great Friday all.

Yes, as most threads do we have drifted far afield from the original post - just like call conversations around a group campfire.

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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