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Staying safe until the Pandemic's over

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Folks, I was a medic and then because I liked doing hospital infection control taking samples and incubating and doing aerosol and airborne plates so much I cross trained into the second longest tech school in the AF, second only to P.A. (Physician's Assistant) school. I became a Medical Lab Technologist. Of course we did all the public health tests and identification of pathogens and parasites in our environment. Then I found a way to draw blood with no AIDs risk, the M-16! ;) And I spent my last 20 of 27 years teaching all the base folks and cops etc on the pistols to the heavy Machine guns, shoulder fired rockets, grenade launchers, pistols, and fixed them when they broke.

We've had one discussion closed because of political beliefs and those do not belong in this topic, or on these forums. I need some work done here, and the folks that work need the jobs. I am being safe, keeping them safe from us if we are infected and in that two or three day period where we are infectious but have little to no symptoms, by wearing masks here whenever another from outside our bubble is here also wearing a mask.

In case anyone is still misinformed about masks and the need for them. Here is a simple illustration that may help. Masks offer partial protection for the wearer - 70% protection but to me 30% risk of getting this horrible virus that for some has permanent debilitating health deficits is too high


I wish we never had this pandemic, and the dead, who had to suffer terribly for days to weeks before losing their battle, wish they had done this simple thing. As well the folks who lived but have serious deficits from having it, perhaps permanently.


Here is an accurate scenario:


I am having outside work done on my property by folks that are not allowed on my premises without a mask for the estimates, and as long as we are not around them outside they can work without if they have their mask in their pocket or hung near them to put on if I come out with mine on to talk or they come over to talk to one of us, after we put our mask/s on. We have sanitizing wipes and offer them coffee or tea or whatever and sanitize the cups too as well as using my hand sanitizer when they are through. I am waiting for the one guy who is finishing the trim and paint on my new shed on a slab before we start another and that will have one guy and his assistant. Next I am having an electrician rewire my Tesla Charger because the last guy who has moved to Florida had used 30 Amp wire! I missed it and the County inspector missed it. So since we had a new insulated Garage door put on we are rewiring on the wall circuits to in walls of the now bare walls. They wore masks to estimate and before we even talk I tell them that wearing a mask does not mean having their nose exposed when we are near or need to talk.  

It is a win win. We only go out for groceries once a week and we have fun in our still new to us home with our computers and 65" home theaters in the family room and the living room.

We will have the garage new circuits installed and then we will do an intimate Christmas, with just us, as we did Thanksgiving. It's fine as we have done that for much Then we expect to have the vaccine, and once we are vaccinated we take it from there based on medical advice.

Oh for the folks that dislike the masks no problem, as long as you are not near me while doing it. In public I leave quickly and quietly from what I call COVIDIOTS- maskless in public. But stay off my property if you are one of them.

I see the light at the end of the tunnel! I'm glad most of us are still OK!

The retired military like me and the Vets that served in times of need already know this. And I have no problem with folks whining they don't like masks, somewhere other than around me and mine. No sympathy.


I hope this helps. As well, if you think good public health measures infringe on your rights.


Last word is that it is wise to avoid staying in a room with others not in your bubble more than 15 minutes even if masked. The viral load determines if you get infected, and the larger the load the worse the illness.

My buddy of 50 years, married for 48, makes great company! We would rather go out and hike and see this marvelous state's beauty. But until we have a handle on the Virus via Vaccines and good public hygiene we're fine with entertaining ourselves at home and via Duo video calls with the kids in Germany, and friends.

Safe travels!


Edited by RV_

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Great post RV and as a former Army medevac helicopter pilot in Vietnam and USA plus civilian SAR pilot I and others have witnessed a hundred times military and civilian medical personnel wearing Mask around many types of patients for a darn good reason.  They are more effective at protection than no mask at all and should be considered same as using a mandated seat belt during said pandemic.  On the other coin side those that impose harsh lock down measures should follow their own restrictions but often do not and they sadly get a free pass.  Peace

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9 minutes ago, NamMedevac 70 said:

  On the other coin side those that impose harsh lock down measures should follow their own restrictions but often do not and they sadly get a free pass. 

I totally agree and Governor Newsome and others who flaunt their own pronouncements should be taken to task by voters at the next opportunity!

My wife is a retired critical care nurse and she is adamant that those who choose to ignore public health guidelines should have "DNR" tattooed on their chests so that we don't waste precious medical resources resuscitating them!  It doesn't keep them from hurting others in the meantime, but there's no reason that we should waste resources on those who don't care enough about others to "wear a f---ing mask!"

Sandie & Joel

2000 40' Beaver Patriot Thunder Princeton--425 HP/1550 ft-lbs CAT C-12
2014 Honda CR-V AWD EX-L with ReadyBrute tow bar/brake system
WiFiRanger Ambassador
Follow our adventures on Facebook at Weiss Travels

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2 hours ago, RV_ said:

The retired military like me and the Vets that served in times of need already know this. And I have no problem with folks whining they don't like masks, somewhere other than around me and mine. No sympathy.

Nicely done! While they may have a right to not wear a mask, a store owner or manager has a right to protect his employees and customers by refusing them entry. Not wearing a mask show a lack of concern for those around you. 

2 hours ago, docj said:

My wife is a retired critical care nurse and she is adamant that those who choose to ignore public health guidelines should have "DNR" tattooed on their chests so that we don't waste precious medical resources resuscitating them! 

Your wife has it right!

Edited by Kirk W

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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3 hours ago, NamMedevac 70 said:

On the other coin side those that impose harsh lock down measures should follow their own restrictions but often do not and they sadly get a free pass.  Peace

100% but we can not and should not allow this to stop us from doing the right thing and trying to get others to do the right thing the best we can.  Of course it sure rubs me wrong that if they do get sick they will use resources that someone that has done there best might need. But life ain't fair.

Edited by bigjim
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3 hours ago, docj said:

My wife is a retired critical care nurse and she is adamant that those who choose to ignore public health guidelines should have "DNR" tattooed on their chests so that we don't waste precious medical resources resuscitating them!  It doesn't keep them from hurting others in the meantime, but there's no reason that we should waste resources on those who don't care enough about others to "wear a f---ing mask!"

Perzactly Joel. Although my watch is over my DIL is an ICU Nurse now in Germany at the main transit hospital as well as my son, also a BSRN specializing in Ortho and soon to be working as one in Civil Service too.


http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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4 hours ago, NamMedevac 70 said:

 I and others have witnessed a hundred times military and civilian medical personnel wearing Mask around many types of patients for a darn good reason. 

And as a Vietnam era USAF Medical specialist 71-1975, and then AFRES lab tech 1983-1986 during a break in service for college, I can tell you we did not hang our noses out or wear them around our neck. Infection vectors are predictable. But humans? Well ya can't teach stupid.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

When you see a worthy man, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy man, look inside yourself. - Confucius


“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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Before I served as an Army medevac pilot in Nam and USA I help start the first emergency ambulance service in hometown of Temple, Texas in mid 60s and again we and ER hospital personnel wore mask when we were around suspected infectious patients and I never did get sick from the patients.  Mask worked for me and fellow EMS attendants.

Peace to all

very large zoomed photo of Bill Perkins with Harper Talasek emergency ambulances.JPG


Edited by NamMedevac 70
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10 hours ago, bigjim said:

Of course it sure rubs me wrong that if they do get sick they will use resources that someone that has done there best might need. But life ain't fair.

That is true for all government officials who have refused to wear a mask, and then been infected. It isn't just 1 or 2 governors who are guilty. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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1 hour ago, Rich&Sylvia said:

As posted on another forum:

Therein lies the problem.  The prisons are full of people with this attitude.

They also seem to believe that it is their right to infect everyone who comes in contact with them and to do so in any store of public place. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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As posted on another forum:


I personally would rather die on my feet than beg on my knees to pursue my God given rights to live freely and make my own decisions in my life.

Therein lies the problem.  The prisons are full of people with this attitude.


That reply is out in left field.  Whomever made that comment you quoted is correct.  I feel the same way.  Saying that, it is NOT mandated here, BUT we are smart enough to wear masks/social distance ourselves, it is OUR decision!  When I see someone without a mask, I just don't go near them or associate with them, yes, I feel they are morons for not wearing one.  Most stores have chosen to be mask only or stay out here, BUT AGAIN, is is OUR choice, not a socialist government telling us what to do.

Mask wearing is slowing down the spread but the only way it is going to be stopped is the big pharmas coming out with immunization medication.  This virus is here to stay, just like the flu, there's no stopping it, only controlling it.

AGAIN, your comment just plain stinx!  The prisons are full of people of because of BAD decisions, large percentage over/because of drugs/alcohol.  Your comment sounds like you are saying because I live freely and make my own decisions in my life we belong in prison comrade???  Don't worry, I gave/dedicated 20 years of my life to ensure people like you are free to give their, albeit wrong, opinion.......  Spew on....

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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4 minutes ago, Kirk W said:

They also seem to believe that it is their right to infect everyone who comes in contact with them and to do so in any store of public place. 

I don't know a single person with that attitude.  Every one I know is worried about it and is praying for a cure.  Yes, there are morons that don't want to wear a mask, just avoid them.  The idiots will eventually get weeded out.

2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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17 minutes ago, NDBirdman said:

I don't know a single person with that attitude.  Every one I know is worried about it and is praying for a cure.  Yes, there are morons that don't want to wear a mask, just avoid them.  The idiots will eventually get weeded out.

You haven't been in Arizona  for a while have you?   Whole areas, like Prescott, are home to people who feel that way.   And some of the ultra religious nuts are actually praying for the virus so that "God will cure me" and show us all how we need to follow their 'cult'.   

Most of us have trouble with how a "God given right" includes the right to infect people with a deadly disease. Granted I don't spend much time reading mythologies, but I wish someone would post the link as to where in any of the translated texts this is attributed to 'God'.   

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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Sure, show me the way to avoid them all and I will buy your argument. I have little choice but to get groceries, go to get a required blood draw, get fuel, etc. This is a situation is not the same as standing up to a dictator or trynny.   This has nothing to do with socialism.  Like it or not mas ises of people will not do the right thing without some incentive or mandate. I am not currently up on how the military is actively dealing with it but my guess is they are mandating some type of preventive measures including masks and I bet there are repecussions if you fail to follow the mandate.  In some ways the military is an ultimate example of socialism. We all ban together to have a military instead of each of use having our own army to defend us. Same as banding together for fire protection , police protection, etc.  Big difference in communism and socialism and even in the degrees of socialism.

The prison comment may not have been the best analogy but the meaning was there.  And  the problems with the morons and idiots are not just weeding themselves out. They are taking a lot of innocent people with them.  

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Trying to enforce a mask requirement is like trying to ban alcohol.   Some just will not do it.  Here in the county we live in the sheriff has enough to do already and the prisons are already full.  Some will not use a good mask for whatever reason and some skate by with an old scarf with holes in it. So I do my best to stay at home and when I have to go out I use a mask that protects ME and others.  I use a N95 or KN95 mask.  Depending on strangers to protect me is not something I am comfortable with.


2001 Volvo VNL 42 Cummins ISX Autoshift

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7 minutes ago, Randyretired said:

Trying to enforce a mask requirement is like trying to ban alcohol.   Some just will not do it.  Here in the county we live in the sheriff has enough to do already and the prisons are already full.  Some will not use a good mask for whatever reason and some skate by with an old scarf with holes in it. So I do my best to stay at home and when I have to go out I use a mask that protects ME and others.  I use a N95 or KN95 mask.  Depending on strangers to protect me is not something I am comfortable with.

Some things are easy to enforce.   A store allows people without masks inside, a bar won't enforce distancing, pull their business license and close them down.   Yes, that makes the stores have to police, but if they want my business they will be doing it already.   Yes, there will be occasional idiots who push it - that's what trespass laws are for and if a few get arrested, others get the message.  

Unfortunately most people don't have the income to support them buying N95 masks  now.  But 2-3 layered cloth masks work almost as well, especially when everyone has a face covering.  Even that flimsy scarf will help trap a lot of the particles being expelled and will reduce velocity of the remainder - so stay back from the and pick another route in the store.  

Better yet, order groceries online and pickup at the curbside.  Kroger is waving the fee for orders over $35 - or about 2 loaves of bread, milk, juice, and a 4 roll pack of TP. 😉

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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31 minutes ago, bigjim said:

Sure, show me the way to avoid them all and I will buy your argument. I have little choice but to get groceries, go to get a required blood draw, get fuel, etc. This is a situation is not the same as standing up to a dictator or trynny.   This has nothing to do with socialism.  Like it or not mas ises of people will not do the right thing without some incentive or mandate. I am not currently up on how the military is actively dealing with it but my guess is they are mandating some type of preventive measures including masks and I bet there are repecussions if you fail to follow the mandate.  In some ways the military is an ultimate example of socialism. We all ban together to have a military instead of each of use having our own army to defend us. Same as banding together for fire protection , police protection, etc.  Big difference in communism and socialism and even in the degrees of socialism.

The prison comment may not have been the best analogy but the meaning was there.  And  the problems with the morons and idiots are not just weeding themselves out. They are taking a lot of innocent people with them.  

Groceries is easy, order them online for curbside pickup.  I hit the button, the hatch goes up, they load the groceries in, and I'm on my way.    Blood draw - the lab is as worried about getting sick as you, I don't worry about going to our health facilities in the Phoenix area.  Good screening, EVERYONE in a mask, etc.     Fuel, pump my own, outside, at a time when very, very people around (6 am during the summer).  Plus with our hybrid only fill up every other month since our only trips are to get groceries, takeout at a restaurant, or visit to medical office!

Yes, the average US citizen seems to have skipped history/civics in school and does not understand the difference between socialism and communism.  

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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7 minutes ago, Barbaraok said:

Groceries is easy, order them online for curbside pickup.  I hit the button, the hatch goes up, they load the groceries in, and I'm on my way.  

There's a lot to be said for grocery shopping this way IMO.  We'll probably continue doing at least some of our shopping this way even when things go back to somewhat normal--it's easy and saves time.  The other day we arranged for back-to-back pickups at Walmart and our local H-E-B.  Between curbside pickup and Amazon/SamsClub/Walmart delivery there's little reason to go to a store.

Sandie & Joel

2000 40' Beaver Patriot Thunder Princeton--425 HP/1550 ft-lbs CAT C-12
2014 Honda CR-V AWD EX-L with ReadyBrute tow bar/brake system
WiFiRanger Ambassador
Follow our adventures on Facebook at Weiss Travels

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1 hour ago, Barbaraok said:

You haven't been in Arizona  for a while have you?

Amen, hence one of our main reasons for moving.

AZ thinking was summed up for me in a Lake Havasu City letter to the editor about using car turn indicators . . . the writer said he doesn't use turn signals because it's no one's business which way he's turning.

SKP #79313 / Full-Timing / 2001 National RV Sea View / 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

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Just now, Zulu said:

Amen, hence one of our main reasons for moving.

AZ thinking was summed up for me in a Lake Havasu City letter to the editor about using car turn indicators . . . the writer said he doesn't use turn signals because it's no one's business which way he's turning.

That's why we stay in the Phoenix area.   Any area with growth has companies moving in bringing educated work force who don't buy into the tin foil hat fantasies that thrive in small towns all over Arizona.  

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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1 minute ago, Barbaraok said:

That's why we stay in the Phoenix area.   Any area with growth has companies moving in bringing educated work force who don't buy into the tin foil hat fantasies that thrive in small towns all over Arizona.  

LHC is over 50k and plenty of chemtrails believers there.

SKP #79313 / Full-Timing / 2001 National RV Sea View / 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

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2 hours ago, Barbaraok said:

You haven't been in Arizona  for a while have you?

Most of us have trouble with how a "God given right" includes the right to infect people with a deadly disease.

First and sadly, no, I haven't been there in a while.  I miss Aridzona, was stationed there for 6 years, 1980 through 1986.  Thought about moving back there some day but we ended up with a nice SnB in Frigid Norf Dakoota.  Might winter there someday when this virus is over, or well controlled.  🙂

Second, It's my god given right to live my life the way I see fit and it's your god given right to live your's your way and that includes not picking up the virus from some moron not willing to wear a mask/social distance.  A person's right ends where an other's space/area/choice begins.  🙂  Everyone has one, now, what that fool does with his/hers is up to them until like I said, it impedes mine/yours, etc.


2022 Coachman Leprechaun, traveling around to dark sky areas and chasing the stars.

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