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Polk Co. Jury Duty

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DAN ZEMKE..... Where do you intend to reside in Texas or do you already do so?

I'd love to see a Poll taken by all Escapees or those domiciling in Texas, South Dakota, Florida or any other state. that they really plan to make that state their home.  What about people who have their kid's address for their mail?  Do they intend to move in with their kids?

I'd like to know how many court cases have happened because of an Escapee Texas or South Dakota or Florida or any other state RVer that has a mail address in that state but hasn't fulfilled the '10 Commandments' . 

Even if one signs that they intend to live there people are free to change their minds.

We've spent a lot of time in both Livingston and Texas, in general.  We voted nationally; not local because we didn't feel we should.  We volunteered.  We spent a lot of money in Texas.  

Full-timed for 16 Years
Traveled 8 yr in a 2004 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Motorhome
and 8 yr in a 33' Travel Supreme 5th Wheel

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The subject of this thread is "Polk Co. Jury Duty'

I'm pushing back on narratives, that try to justify personal immunity from State and/or Federal jury duty.

To me, what-abouts are irrelevant.

Edited by DanZemke

Volvo 770, New Horizons Majestic and an upcoming Smart car


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Actually, Dan, we have served when in the area, but because we are now over 75, we do not get called anymore.  We are  retirees from UT System, our daughter lives north of Fort Worth, she was born in Texas (we did two stints with different UT campuses), so yes, we do have ties to Texas.  If you don’t like that, you can ...............

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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Actually, Barb, I refuse to wallow in the mud with you on this.

Here are the facts:

It's not OK to change domiciles and lie about facts or future intent.

It is OK to take advantage jury selection rules (like age thresholds)

"What about" things are irrelevant.  Things like: "They get yearly bridge fee for vehicles that don't use the bridges, they get federal money based upon population even though we aren't costing them a thing.".  These have nothing to do with jury duty.

Volvo 770, New Horizons Majestic and an upcoming Smart car


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26 minutes ago, DanZemke said:

Actually, Barb, I refuse to wallow in the mud with you on this.

Here are the facts:

It's not OK to change domiciles and lie about facts or future intent.

It is OK to take advantage jury selection rules (like age thresholds)

"What about" things are irrelevant.  Things like: "They get yearly bridge fee for vehicles that don't use the bridges, they get federal money based upon population even though we aren't costing them a thing.".  These have nothing to do with jury duty.

Simmer down Dan....

No one said any of these things you're alluding to.

Life is unpredictable especially for RV'ers. Covid ring any bells? It was in all the papers last year! I was heavily impacted and being in the west much of 2020 wild fires and other events made for an interesting year. 2020 was the year of "What about!"

I'm sure Polk county weighed the pros and cons of encouraging domicile and I betcha revenue played a MUCH larger role than expanded jury pool.

I've was in Polk Co 3 weeks and I left over $2000 behind! I frequented restaurants and several other LOCAL businesses. I have a feeling this is what they had in mind.....


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52 minutes ago, aztex said:

Life is unpredictable especially for RV'ers. Covid ring any bells? It was in all the papers last year! I was heavily impacted and being in the west much of 2020 wild fires and other events made for an interesting year. 2020 was the year of "What about!"

I'm sure Polk county weighed the pros and cons of encouraging domicile and I betcha revenue played a MUCH larger role than expanded jury pool.

I've was in Polk Co 3 weeks and I left over $2000 behind! I frequented restaurants and several other LOCAL businesses. I have a feeling this is what they had in mind.....


Try to remain focused astex ...

You started this "Polk Co. Jury Duty" topic with a single question: "Does Polk Co. chose based on registered to vote? If so I may not be able to register to vote..... "

What-abouts are irrelevant.  If you claim Texas to be your domicile, you agree to Texas's jury selection rules. 

Volvo 770, New Horizons Majestic and an upcoming Smart car


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11 hours ago, DanZemke said:

Try to remain focused astex ...

You started this "Polk Co. Jury Duty" topic with a single question: "Does Polk Co. chose based on registered to vote? If so I may not be able to register to vote..... "

What-abouts are irrelevant.  If you claim Texas to be your domicile, you agree to Texas's jury selection rules. 

Frankly Dan... you're getting yourself all worked up over something that's none of your business.

The idea someone can lay out there life situation in a few paragraphs here and you actually able to grasp the challenges is ridiculous. As others have numerated there is a long list of "what about's" the court takes into consideration so they are quite relevant to the discussion. You'd make a lousy juror since you're tunnel vision preconceived notions are antithetical to the entire legal process.

I refuse to judge someone on there motivations for being excused from jury duty. I've explained about 1% of the challenges I face and assume others have similar details.

My objective for this thread was to determine if I can vote or if it will bring an unwelcome burden to me I'd have less control of. I'm doing OK but Covid has offered a lot of challenges for my business. I have to make plans week to week instead of relying upon one big event to stock up and make connections. Just finishing my 2020 taxes I had over 3000 miles of EXTRA travel to fill the gaps due to cancellation of EVERY gem show in the USA for a year! So now you know about 2% of my situation...and that will have to be it.

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I would think if one can provide information to the court of one's being presently out of state for lengthy duration on business or recreation then this would be valid excuse to the court such as campground or hotel reservations, etc.  Just musing.


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On 3/17/2021 at 9:20 AM, aztex said:

Where I've lived in the past the jury pool is selected by voting registration (which is Unconstitutional IMO! It's a poll tax!).

As KIrk pointed out, in Texas the juror pool is picked from registered voters, people with Driver Licenses or ID cards, so even if you did not register to vote you could still get picked. Being on a jury is a Constitutional obligation (see the 6th Amendment) so if one wants to enjoy the rights given in the Constitution then one should be prepared to take on the obligations as well. 

You would not be the only one that jury duty causes a financial hardship, I would say that anyone other the someone that is unemployed, could make the same claim. 

I never had difficulty being excused from jury duty when I presented a reasonable explanation for the request. 



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On 3/17/2021 at 8:28 AM, GR "Scott" Cundiff said:

We phone and say, "I'm an Escapee and got a jury summons..." and before we can finish the statement the lady interrupts us and says, give me your name and the summons number.  If you are ever in Livingston and available to serve, please let us know."

your first reply from Scott in the quote above gave the answer for Polk County Tx.  I can't speak for other Tx counties.  In theory even Polk County does not have to do this I would guess. Wa-la!!! information you can use to base your decision.  I do wonder how other counties do this as people every where travel. What if you were on an extended trip for pleasure or business in say Africa or Antarctica.

I don't know if this still true but in at least some places in the US a judge could have the Sheriff go out and round up potential jurors off the street.  I was told that when my grandfather was sheriff he had to do this once for one last juror as the the last one in the pool had been excused when questioned. He supposedly gathered 6 people and 1 of that group was selected for that last spot. I think this was in the 1930's and it was pretty well calculated that the trial (if not settled or pled out) would last a day or less.  I can't certify that this is correct as I wasn't born until 1947. It might even be a family BS story.

I don't know how registering to vote could be considered a poll tax since they don't charge you to register to vote.


Well just thanks a lot Gary for posting a better answer before I could even finish typing.  I don't need any help to look foolish. I can do that for myself.😁  Now you and me can fight this weekend so folks won't get bored.I😉

Edited by bigjim
Its all gary's fault!!!
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I suspect most states have similar procedures for jurors who have problems attending.  I read the juror books in several Maine counties most months for 32 years (retired trial lawyer).  We had a lot of snowbirds who would write to the court saying they would not be back until summer.  I cannot recall a case where they were not excused until the summer term.

The caveat here is that they were not permanently excused, but were only excused for a period of months until they returned.

Wayne & Jinx
2017 F-350 diesel, dually
2006 Carriage Carri-Lite 36KSQ

Jinx and Wayne

2006 Carriage Carri-Lite 36KSQ

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45 minutes ago, Jinx & Wayne said:

The caveat here is that they were not permanently excused, but were only excused for a period of months until they returned.

And in some cases they can be permanently excused. We had a friend who while Scottish by birth was a US citizen due to marriage to a US Navy sailor. When he passed she lived with us for several years and got a Colorado drivers license. She never got called while in Colorado but once she moved back to Scotland to care for her elderly parents they called her up. Go figure. On her behalf, I informed the court that she was currently living in Scotland with intent to return to the US unknown and I provided them her address. She received a letter saying that she was permanently removed from the juror lists and would receive no further summonses to jury duty. 


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4 hours ago, Jinx & Wayne said:

The caveat here is that they were not permanently excused, but were only excused for a period of months until they returned.

With Polk Co. TX, they excuse you and just put you on your honor to volunteer a jury call when in the area. We did that once and both were called the following week. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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17 hours ago, Kirk W said:

With Polk Co. TX, they excuse you and just put you on your honor to volunteer a jury call when in the area. We did that once and both were called the following week. 

I’m going to go out on a limb here, Kirk, and say you’re the exception to the rule.

SKP #79313 / Full-Timing / 2001 National RV Sea View / 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

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Just now, Zulu said:

I’m going to go out on a limb here, Kirk, and say you’re the exception to the rule.

No he isn't.   A lot of us have done that.  Usually during the first few year when we are just starting out and doing circles every year that brings you through the area.  

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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38 minutes ago, Barbaraok said:

No he isn't.   A lot of us have done that.

Name three.


38 minutes ago, Barbaraok said:

Usually during the first few year when we are just starting out and doing circles every year that brings you through the area.  

You strain credulity.

SKP #79313 / Full-Timing / 2001 National RV Sea View / 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

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Name three

Well Kirk, Pam, Dave and I would make 4.   


You strain credulity.

I don’t know why.  We spent fall every year in east Texas, getting health checkups, etc.   would often come through Livingston for a week or two, get vehicles inspected, vote, then head for Tyler for 2-4 weeks for health checks (linger time was when cataract surgery done), then on to Dallas area for Holidays before heading west.  

What is bothering you about this?

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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29 minutes ago, Zulu said:

Name three.

That I am aware of, I can but how would my listing of their names prove anything? I doubt that it is a majority of Escapees but I do know of more than 3 who have done so. How about you prove that none do so? That is just as valid as me listing names of people not present here. 

EDIT: I would point out that if nobody ever volunteered to serve, do you really think that Polk Co. would have continued that policy for more than 40 years now? It would seem that somebody at the Polk County Courts must think that we do our part............

Edited by Kirk W

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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I have to say, I do not understand the animosity toward serving on a jury. A jury of our peers is a founding principle of our great country and requires some active participation by citizens in order to function. While I agree with the need to be excused under extreme circumstances, I think it's incumbent on us to each contribute as we can. I'm not at all surprised that there are some who volunteer when they can. I generally can't, because as a professional self-employed driver, it would cost me thousands of dollars out of pocket to do so... But I have served on juries and am willing to do so. It's a job that has to be done. Jay


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31 minutes ago, Kirk W said:

I do not appreciate your implication about my honesty. 

My comment has nothing to do with your honesty.


31 minutes ago, Kirk W said:

And where did anyone say that most people do so?

Actually, my comment is about your expertise. Since it's not a majority of Escapees, how many would you guess don't volunteer? 60%? 90%?

SKP #79313 / Full-Timing / 2001 National RV Sea View / 2008 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

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14 minutes ago, Zulu said:

My comment has nothing to do with your honesty.


Actually, my comment is about your expertise. Since it's not a majority of Escapees, how many would you guess don't volunteer? 60%? 90%?

Isn't there a rule somewhere that 20% of the people do 80% of the work? If so, why would you expect more than a 20% turnout?


Blog: http://sandcastle.sandsys.org/

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1 hour ago, Zulu said:

My comment has nothing to do with your honesty.


Actually, my comment is about your expertise. Since it's not a majority of Escapees, how many would you guess don't volunteer? 60%? 90%?

Your comment had EVERYTHING to do with you impugning Kirk’s statement.  I proved you were wrong, but that doesn’t seem to matter, you are on a tirade against Escapees for reasons that escape me.     

I would bet that most defense attorneys (especially in civil lawsuits) would rather not have Escapees on the jury, because we often come from other areas of the country, and will push for realistic monetary awards in a civil suit based upon areas we come from, and yes, I speak from personal experience of being on such a jury in Livingston.

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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44 minutes ago, Barbaraok said:

Your comment had EVERYTHING to do with you impugning Kirk’s statement.  I proved you were wrong, but that doesn’t seem to matter, you are on a tirade against Escapees for reasons that escape me.     

I would bet that most defense attorneys (especially in civil lawsuits) would rather not have Escapees on the jury, because we often come from other areas of the country, and will push for realistic monetary awards in a civil suit based upon areas we come from, and yes, I speak from personal experience of being on such a jury in Livingston.

Realistic or extravagant?

they do not want me on civil trials as I have been an insurance adjuster for 30+ years. Most plaintiffs attorneys do not want anyone that will think for themselves.

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