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Gettin back into it

George the greek

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I sold my travel trailer 3 years ago. I’ve been living winters in New Mexico in my 5th wheel parked permanently. Summers in Wisconsin in an apartment. I will buy another travel trailer this winter and restart the “roaming”life again. 
thought I’d stop by the forum and see what’s going on. 
George the Greek

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Welcome back!  Feel free to join in any thread or start new ones. Do you plan to get your membership in Escapees RV Club active again? If so, you need to know of the changes that are happening with the sale of the club to Harvest Hosts but the mail service and RV parks still being owned and operated by the Carr family. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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4 minutes ago, George the greek said:

I was surprised to see Escapees sold out. They had been pretty solid for years. 

It is not unusual for family owned and run businesses to sell when younger generations don't want to keep it going. I suspect the current ones have simply burnt out. With all the expansions they have done, there's a lot there to manage for one couple. I couldn't do it.


Blog: http://sandcastle.sandsys.org/

Former Rigs: Liesure Travel van, Winnebago View 24H, Winnebago Journey 34Y, Sportsmobile Sprinter conversion van

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George, I too was quite surprised, even though I suspect that I could guess at least part of the reason. I knew Kay & Joe Peterson, and the Escapee organization was their life by the time that I joined the club. Getting CARE started was Kay's big goal and probably her last major one. Joe was lost when he didn't survive surgery and he was "the life of the party" at most gatherings. Kathy & Bud got together because of the developing of Rainbow's End so I'm sure that was a part of their commitment to the club. I think that Travis was in HS when I first met him but he was born into the club and he thrived in the Army and sounded like he was a career soldier. I would not be at all surprised if he yielded to family pressure when he left the Army to join the family business. I would have been far less surprised by the sale if Travis were the same person as he was when he first joined the company but we saw him mature and change so much and he seemed to have been immersed in the club/family. He was the founder and creator of the Xscapers and was the driving force to make it work in the early days and it is now the fastest growing part of Escapees. Whatever may come, his imprint will be part of the Escapees as long as the club exists. 

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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