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New 101 Rainbow Dr. address issues


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After receiving notice regarding the elimination of 132 Rainbow Drive address and migrating to 101 Rainbow Dr as my legal residence, I began notifying financial institutions and other contacts of the change.  I was informed by my Morgan Stanley rep that Morgan Stanley has rejected the address change and flagged the 101 Rainbow Dr. as a commercial mail forwarding address and not a residence.  This was not an insurmountable issue with the 132 Rainbow Drive address.  I was also informed that if I didn't provide a "valid" address within 30 days, my account would be frozen and no withdrawals or deposits could be made from / to it.  They want to see either a utility bill for the new address or a rental agreement with signatures.  Full timers with no other residence, no utility bills, or long term rental agreements are unable to meet the requirements.  Has anyone else had this issue?  I wonder if we could have a rental agreement from Escapees for a slight fee?

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I haven't encountered any difficulty yet but only have completed 14 of my 28 address notifications.

Have completed the big ones. Social Security for Medicare, Uncle Sam as in tax dispute, Voter registration was delivered to clerk's office two days ago, insurance company, Banks but I haven't talked my IRA brokers yet.

I wonder how the court decision reads claiming the Escapees had legal address to vote. I was told a long time ago, as a campground we had a place to stay. Maybe 101 should be mailing address but the place of residence at 100 Rainbow DR Zip Code 77351. It is the zip code containing 99 that a tip off.

Clay & Marcie Too old to play in the snow

Diesel pusher and previously 2 FW and small Class C

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23 hours ago, ms60ocb said:

I wonder how the court decision reads claiming the Escapees had legal address to vote. I was told a long time ago, as a campground we had a place to stay.

I have read the decision, as we were just joining the mail service as that case went to court. I don't know how that thinking got started but the ruling made no mention of that at all. The suit was an effort by a candidate for county commissioner who lost to have the ballots from users of the mail service removed from the election that he lost. The case went completely through the TX courts and the ballots involved were held to be valid. You can read it for yourself at this link. An appeal of that ruling was rejected by the next higher court. 


Keep in mind that this court decision had nothing to do with any business accepting or not accepting the mail service as an address for banking. It was only about voting rights. It began as a challenge of the 2000 county elections and was filed in September of that year. That case was resolved in January of 2003 while the address issue with financial institutions is the result of the Patriot Act, which was passed by Congress in response to the 9/11/2001 events. That act was expanded to impact banking on March 9, 2006. There have been no TX laws or court hearings that are related to the affects on addresses for banking. There is an alternative allowed for those who do not have a physical address but some businesses are either ignorant of those provisions or just won't do the required extra work. You may want to call the Escapee business office as they used to help people to get this address thing resolved. 

Edited by Kirk W
correct typo

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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